I had to trim some branches around power lines yesterday about 8 mtrs up. Well out of range of my ladder. The saws on a pole at bunnings were all around 200 bucks , so me being a tight arse bought a $4 pruning saw and cloth tapped it to the top of and old one piece mast I had lying around . For $4 thought it was worth a try.
10mins later job done worked an absolute treat.
Then noticed at the local yacht club some of the cat sailors were using the tops of masts as poles for their asymmetrical spinnakers.
Got me thinking any other uses ?
Jousting sticks.
Chimney brooms/sweeps.
Jousting sticks? You're dreaming.
I have read in the history books that people use to hang sails on them??? Would have loved to been around to see that.
Once used super old 520 mast to rescue my daughters kite from a tree in the local park.
Then last month discovered dumb arse pigeons had made a nest in the top of one of our gutters/downpipes. Of course in Sydney it poured and they drowned. Didn't know until the smell let me know. Used a broken 700mm rdm tip with a trowel duct taped to it to excavate. Bloody horrible but it worked.
Top of a rdm wave masts make awesome replacement handles for SUP paddles. got an old 100% carbon one I use, never worried it will ever snap.
I have read in the history books that people use to hang sails on them??? Would have loved to been around to see that.
How about using a short section as a troll tenderiser.
I have read in the history books that people use to hang sails on them??? Would have loved to been around to see that.
Gave me a laugh
Similar story to Frupus, Probably 25 years ago 2 x one piece masts taped together with a steak knife taped to the top was used by some enterprising young Melbourne yachties to liberate a massive 18ft Skiff National Championship canvas banner from really high on the side of a Yacht Club in Adelaide. ( So the rumor goes ) Would have loved to see the WTF moment when they saw it was gone.
Has anyone actually seen one used for pole dancing?
Apparently it's the most common use for a mast
Not advisable if there are carbon splinters as mankini's DO not offer much protection
I dry all my gear on one
Why didn't I think of that!
Some of my weird friends have taken up knitting. (something to do with the "Dark Side" apparently)
They could be using their old masts to knit giant Ewoks.
The call of the dark side is strong.
I know someone who made a bong out of a cut off section of an old Neil Pryde carbon wave mast, worked & was also light weight!!
I am chasing a bunch of 50mm Diameter mast bottom sections - the wider ones, not the narrow RDM's to build a set of wings for a single-hander skiff I have.
If you have any lying around, let me know. i need 8 total.
In Hawaii we use them to knock feral chickens out of a tree.
Is that what u call kiters over there
Has anyone actually seen one used for pole dancing?
Apparently it's the most common use for a mast
Yep, here's an old glass one we put to work, uni too!
Hi 33.
Im hoping the ezzy 430 rdm mast I accidentaly left at the safety bay rigging area near bent st jetty on wed 3rd feb does get used for anything else before it is returned to.me....