Forums > Windsurfing General

Anyone need old skool spreader bars..?

Created by Mark _australia > 9 months ago, 21 May 2016
Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
21 May 2016 4:24PM
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I found a few brand new spreaders with the old ummm 'buckle' system if that is the word, at the local tip shop. They look easy enough to convert to a slider system so I am happy and will use them (especially as I seem to break spreaders pretty often.......but then I thought that if you needed one like this for an old harness, you'd never find it......
So before I modify them all, does anyone have a burning need for one of these...?

QLD, 1989 posts
21 May 2016 7:41PM
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Post the slider mod when you do it.

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
21 May 2016 7:02PM
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^^ sounds like you are expecting something smart or interesting

You will be disappointed lol

joe windsurf
1481 posts
22 May 2016 5:40AM
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Mark _australia said..
especially as I seem to break spreaders pretty often.......

more interesting - HOW does one break spreader bars OFTEN ??

SA, 850 posts
22 May 2016 7:59AM
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PICS MARK !! Stop stalling. Been on my to do list for a while now, either roller or slider bar mod, prob both and compare for pros and cons of both.

WA, 708 posts
22 May 2016 2:08PM
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joe windsurf said..

Mark _australia said..
especially as I seem to break spreaders pretty often.......

more interesting - HOW does one break spreader bars OFTEN ??

Mark's a BIG boy

5106 posts
23 May 2016 11:08AM
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joe windsurf said..

Mark _australia said..
especially as I seem to break spreaders pretty often.......

more interesting - HOW does one break spreader bars OFTEN ??

yeahhh they where good in there day ...still have one ..I like the reactor roller bar now ..solid wide alloy .

jumping and landing still hooked in will break your bar ..thats how Ive broken mine .
I don't know how mark breaks his ??

39 posts
23 May 2016 11:49AM
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joe windsurf said..

Mark _australia said..
especially as I seem to break spreaders pretty often.......

more interesting - HOW does one break spreader bars OFTEN ??

Corrosion at the welds

Mark _australia
WA, 22852 posts
23 May 2016 4:54PM
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^^^ roger. I find they almost always go at the hook welds.

Well, that, but mainly hooked in half-forward loops. They really bugger them up.

anyway I think I had a brain fart, they will be easy to convert to modern use in a non-sliding setup, but slider will require some cut n bend or weld. Hmmm.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Anyone need old skool spreader bars..?" started by Mark _australia