What do you think is the best spot to teach kids? say around ten years old.
flat water
nearby accomodation
no strong currents
warm water would be a plus
shallow, so they can stand
i know now I just described Bonaire, but I'm looking for spots in australia.
New Caledonia?
Can I hijack this thread a little and ask "Best spot to teach kids / family windsurf holiday"?
Coronation Beach, north of Geraldton, is everything on your list but no accom.... but it is good camping with toilets
^^^ second the above two, Lake Cootharaba. Best spot for learning I've come across in QLD. Down in Vic, I'd say some of the shallower bay beaches down the Mornington Peninsula end, in certain directions, like Safety Beach or Rye
Great Lakes Sailing Club, on Wallis Lake near Forster, NSW.
Also Marmong Point in Lake Macquarie (just watch out for sharks!) and Sanctuary Point on NSW South Coast.
Kyeemagh at Botany Bay is great as well, but a lot of swimmers and jetskis can make the shallows very busy.
As you have said, key ingredients are warm water, waist deep, constant 5-10 knots wind.
Narrabeen Lakes:- Shallow, warm protected waters, enough to stand most places, centre boards touch in a few spots as do fins.
A great spot on South coast of NSW: Sanctuary Point- shallow water, safe, windy, and the key ingredient which is lots of kids for inspiration (not unusual to have 15 kids aged from 6 to 14 there in January):