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Bump & Jump

Created by N1GEL > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2015
NSW, 861 posts
14 Jun 2015 9:00PM
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Thought I'd share some epic footage I found of Dale Cook at the Gorge. Enjoy

WA, 32 posts
14 Jun 2015 7:56PM
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Awesome stuff. Where is this ??

WA, 732 posts
14 Jun 2015 8:00PM
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Hood river Canada !
EDIT : Well you know in the northern hemisphere anyway

NSW, 1600 posts
14 Jun 2015 10:30PM
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It's actually in Oregon Stroppo. Inland from Portland.

NSW, 174 posts
14 Jun 2015 10:36PM
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stroppo said..
Hood river Canada !

When did Canada invade USA,_Oregon

SA, 850 posts
14 Jun 2015 10:34PM
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Love the matching sail and board graphics.

VIC, 109 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Jun 2015 9:17AM
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Looks like Dale's having a good time, the Hucker is designed for big jumps and power freeride sailing.

"Hucker. One who throws himself/herself wildly through the air and does not land on his/her feet"

1972 posts
15 Jun 2015 7:53AM
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Actually the border between states Oregon and Washington, runs right up the middle of the river.
Nice vid.
Love the looooong jumps, "travel air" we call them.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
15 Jun 2015 1:44PM
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Thank, I always assumed the Hood was somewhere in NYC.

VIC, 109 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Jun 2015 2:33PM
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Here's an interesting write up from Phils Blog,

This is Dale Cook flying his Hucker in the Gorge. Imagine the explosive acceleration required to propel him to these heights. Imagine also, the control required from the sail to enable one to maintain one's trim while flying in heavy air.

Dale Cook is able to take a break from these jumps, sail round the corner to what they call a speed strip (but is actually just a flattish piece of river interspersed with river traffic and reed beds) and hit speeds of over 40knots in his baggies, his waist harness and this equipment! Absolute magic and a testament to what this type of sail is capable of.

QLD, 7428 posts
15 Jun 2015 7:40PM
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Mastbender said..
Actually the border between states Oregon and Washington, runs right up the middle of the river.
Nice vid.
Love the looooong jumps, "travel air" we call them.

And it's the Columbia River.

NSW, 9029 posts
15 Jun 2015 9:53PM
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Yes its the Columbia River which is the state boundary between Washington State and Oregon. I've been there once, stayed at the Dalles which is a bit up river from Hood River. Its a great area, about 500kms from Canadia.

VIC, 873 posts
15 Jun 2015 10:25PM
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WindsurfSystems said..
Here's an interesting write up from Phils Blog,

This is Dale Cook flying his Hucker in the Gorge. Imagine the explosive acceleration required to propel him to these heights. Imagine also, the control required from the sail to enable one to maintain one's trim while flying in heavy air.

Dale Cook is able to take a break from these jumps, sail round the corner to what they call a speed strip (but is actually just a flattish piece of river interspersed with river traffic and reed beds) and hit speeds of over 40knots in his baggies, his waist harness and this equipment! Absolute magic and a testament to what this type of sail is capable of.

Testament to what this type of sailor is capable of !!

536 posts
16 Jun 2015 12:22AM
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MattDowse said..

stroppo said..
Hood river Canada !

When did Canada invade USA,_Oregon

Nah, it hasn't happened yet. We are waiting a few more years while their military depletes itself......
Pretty sure we'll be taking over within the next 3-5 years or so.

The element of surprise is going to be a key factor so don't tell anyone.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
16 Jun 2015 1:12PM
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The sail and board look like a fantastic set up for those conditions. I like the wording 'power freeride'.

NSW, 183 posts
16 Jun 2015 5:31PM
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Too cool! Love the hang time and distance. This guy is excellent at 'flying' his rig.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Bump & Jump" started by N1GEL