OK that's good now put your ankles behind your head and hold that position...
The boys didn't need to use the easels they brought their own pop up version
Hey Jim, after class wanna go get some Mexican food? I've a craving for tacos.
It would have to be a Power box, there's only one bolt hole.
From my angle I see two holes, must be a Tuttle box, deep Tuttle box.
Seabreeze advert typos had an upside:
"WANTED: Spreader bar maid for stress testing of quick release boom-boom heads."
A kitesurfers girlfriend showing a group of windsurfers what they are missing out on.
Look but can't touch?
Definitely 3 holes on the female fin box.
But on the other side, there is only one bolt (rhymes with ....) hole. Would that make it 4 holes total? Been on a date lately?
It has to be a Power box, but at least it's not politics, even though politics and humor share a lot in common.
Funny how this thread has turned into a physiology thread.
Lol, 2 holes in front, 1 hole in the back. 3 holes total. That's basic female anatomy, while jokingly putting that on a finbox.