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Can you tell by looking at a sail which has a constant curve or flex top.?

Created by Tardy > 9 months ago, 24 Aug 2017
5107 posts
24 Aug 2017 5:24PM
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See if You can guess. Which is which .
I'll give a hint .my big mate in front is on a 7.4 me 6.9.

VIC, 851 posts
24 Aug 2017 7:39PM
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Tardy said..
See if You can guess. Which is which .
I'll give a hint .my big mate in front is on a 7.4 me 6.9.


joe windsurf
1481 posts
24 Aug 2017 6:02PM
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NOT sure you can tell that by just looking
would guess the one on the right flexed more and is the flex top
BUT sailor weight makes a BIG difference in that aspect
Davey White is a BIG heavyweight and am sure ALL his sails look well bent !!

WA, 1369 posts
24 Aug 2017 6:49PM
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Flexy at the back. Am l right Tardy.

NSW, 590 posts
24 Aug 2017 9:01PM
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^ my guess too.
Maybe you sorta can tell , This guy sails at our local and it definitely has a hard top mast and it does look a bit different to those two. He is a little fella in twenty plus knots

5107 posts
24 Aug 2017 7:32PM
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This may or may not change your mind ..rear could be right .

Mark _australia
WA, 22871 posts
24 Aug 2017 9:55PM
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No you cant tell by looking at just one point in time
eg: the Dave White pic - could be mid gust or mid pump.

Look at all the sails rigged on the beach (then u have eliminated the wind or pumping or sailor weight) - and they look verrryyyy similar . That is because the sail is cut for the luff curve

Looking at pics is silly, see HotBodMon's one where he says it looks different? It is not taken front on - if it was you'd see more tip deflection.
The two side by side - that sail bends up and down wind, i bet if the pic was taken 0.1 sec later they'd be reversed
Anyway Tardy strange question so - why....?

WA, 134 posts
24 Aug 2017 10:17PM
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Easy, the sail in front with the Shear Tip is a NP Supersonic from 1999/2000 and is flextop for sure.
I loved my Diablo 6.2 from 2000...

5107 posts
25 Aug 2017 3:45AM
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Another hint.

NSW, 590 posts
25 Aug 2017 7:02AM
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I take back my comment, Looking at heaps of pics of sailor's from GM1's album and at times all masts resemble each curve at some point of time .
But I do recall a truck driver ,15 odd years ago driving at night , who claims he new what engine the truck had in it that just passed him by the smell.

NSW, 471 posts
25 Aug 2017 7:13AM
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As a sail maker I would say that unless you know what shape has been put where in the sail that its pretty much impossible to tell what sail has a constant bend in the luff curve. The chart from Tardy above will help but its not always accurate.

I would always use the right mast if possible or contact the company that made the sail.

SA, 850 posts
25 Aug 2017 7:26AM
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First pic impression, cc front, flex tip behind. Hint comparison, hard top front flex behind.

5107 posts
25 Aug 2017 6:03AM
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Here's another diagram that messed me up ...very similar I look at the bottom part of the mast .
i always thought NEILpryde where flex tops ..but not to sure .?

the wind was not gusting 15-17 knots ..
not really a strange question mark ,just observations .and wonder why in my early days i had dramas.

sometimes you have to make do with what your 've got or borrowed .

but I think most can tell now ..

i will give the answer ,but it was the question ...can you tell a constant curve mast buy looking at a sail.

i think yes.most of the time .

SA, 850 posts
25 Aug 2017 8:21AM
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Sails are NP and Tushinham, both in the flex top range. Quite likely same/ similar bend curve masts, rear sailer sheeted in more than front hence loaded sail bending mast more than the front sailer.

5107 posts
25 Aug 2017 7:17AM
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True but no .one has constant it.

SA, 850 posts
25 Aug 2017 9:27AM
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First impressions, front would be cc. Rear flex top ,twisted off more.

SA, 850 posts
25 Aug 2017 9:34AM
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Whos sailing the fastest there ,are you catching him or has he just passed you?

SA, 850 posts
25 Aug 2017 9:43AM
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Downhaul maxd on the NP with cc mast to compensate for softer mast requirement. Head twist looks rs. Tush looks sweet.

NSW, 8094 posts
25 Aug 2017 10:22AM
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Lighter people probably won't have much twist off whatever type of mast..

QLD, 2456 posts
25 Aug 2017 10:59AM
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Just a guess, Tardy the rear sailor using CC. But more power in sail at time of pic. Its to do with the overall curve. Flextop mast straighter thru boom n down. CC curve is even throughout.

5107 posts
25 Aug 2017 9:27AM
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pirrad said..
Whos sailing the fastest there ,are you catching him or has he just passed you?

I'm catching him ...on a down wind .run .he was a little over ..but he had bugger all down haul..

it was a sweet 3 cam tush...but rotted ...the luff pocket ... So thin was a oldie.

i only just got him at the end a 7.4 definailty has it down wind over a 6.9.both 105 litre boards .

both 96 kgs but he's 6.2 I'm 5.10.

5107 posts
25 Aug 2017 9:42AM
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sboardcrazy said..
Lighter people probably won't have much twist off whatever type of mast..

We are both heavy weights...but true ...I bend mine like a day it didn't come back ...
scares the hell out of yah.

5107 posts
26 Aug 2017 7:36AM
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In case you didn't guess it .I'm sure you did ..
Neilpryde 460 progressive flex top in front sail
Ezzy constant curve on the tushingham rear .

good on yah for giving it a go ...

joe windsurf
1481 posts
26 Aug 2017 8:18AM
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based on the results/guesses - we CANNOT correctly determine which one is FLEX
and so, the answer to your original question is NON
which many of us thought !!

VIC, 6155 posts
26 Aug 2017 11:58AM
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Madge said..
As a sail maker I would say that unless you know what shape has been put where in the sail that its pretty much impossible to tell what sail has a constant bend in the luff curve. The chart from Tardy above will help but its not always accurate.

I would always use the right mast if possible or contact the company that made the sail.

This! ^^

If the sails have the correct mast in them, they all look very similar, because they are designed to be that way. Then, the differences in appearance are more about the design of the sail than the mast.

WA, 1369 posts
26 Aug 2017 10:27AM
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There has been times in the past when other windsurfers have notice & mention you have got the wrong mast set for a that sail You know straight away if you rig a C.,curve mast for a flexy top sail or viva versa. I don't think there are many people who could distinguish a sail on the water simply by the way it bends.just my 2 cents

NSW, 590 posts
26 Aug 2017 2:18PM
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sboardcrazy said..
Lighter people probably won't have much twist off whatever type of mast..

This one looks Brutal
Wonder if all our sails go like that after we land something ? ( Or try too )

WA, 1369 posts
26 Aug 2017 12:25PM
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This is sic

NSW, 590 posts
26 Aug 2017 2:37PM
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^ I can tell just by looking , that mast has a 103 degree bend curve


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Can you tell by looking at a sail which has a constant curve or flex top.?" started by Tardy