Although it took years to finally go into production, Uma Thurman's initial audition for Kill Bill was chillingly good...
One of the consequences of turning to foiling is that you're no longer a slapper, so you've just gotta grin and bear it.
Baby Emma could just about cope with having a father that kited and cooked fair-trade lentil, rocket and tofu stir-fry, but when he said that he was going to try wind-wing foiling tomorrow she knew it was time to act.
Ever since Bono had been suspended from Seabreeze and the drawing houses industry had gone into recession he had to make ends meet by baby sitting.
"Look you moron baby, the flame can't melting steel. I told you so. Even a child can see that."
At which point Baby Emma decided Laurie might have been right and picked up her own ban hammer.
"Daddy, what is my name ?"
"Why it is Emma of course silly"
"Yes buts what's my surname"
"Well same as mine of course silly, because I'm your Daddy, your name is Emma Lotofwind"
"meeeeahahahahahah noooo, no, no, nooooo......"
Dangling a kid over a balcony did wonders for Michael Jacksons online presence, so Heston figures height, sharp object and 3 burners would really get the socials going
...and today on 'Ready, Steady, Cook' we have special guests - Heston AND baby Chucky !!!
Who will win this afternoon's mystery challenge???