US government and NASA finally admit the moon landing was staged in a film studio.
It's a shame we have to come all the way out here to get away from the unwashed masses, even the country club has gone to the bogans.
The flag fluttered as though there was a good 20 knots of seabreeze but James knew better than to fall for that old trick and went for the "no-wind" alternative yet again : (
"oh yeah, Sea of Tranquility you say,.... it's just one big fk%*g bunker....what so f$#k*&g tranquil about that!!...."
After landing double forwards and becoming the youngest ever black belt in SUP eyeMhardcor's appetite extreme sports really was out of this world
With the annual billion dollar revenue of Laurie though nothing of jetting off for a quick round of golf in the morning.
It was a nice lofted chip but Roger began to wonder if the ball was a little too big to fit into the hole
That was a long par 3,738,396
Full marks to Carantoc's last minute entry "It was a nice lofted chip but Roger began to wonder if the ball was a little too big to fit into the hole" - I love the lateral thinking and forcing one to reassess their perspective...A lesson for life in general : )
...but the win goes to our yankee friend Beaglebuddy. Caption Comp 360 is all yours to do as you will.
Bugger. Missed the deadline.
Anyway, I would have said;
The cost of providing caddies was a bitch, but building an 18 hole course for God was the best thing the Apollo missions ever did for national supremacy. ISIS weren't going to build Allah squat.