Hi Crew, ive got a quiver of ol Ezzy Wave SE. 4.2,5.0,5.5,5.8m. Regarding boom specs. Is the number stated the maximum size reqd?
Actual measurements varies quite a bit according to DH used.
yes ..where did you get so many ...great collection ..you going wave sailing ?
i got a 5,0 and 5,8 ..don't get to use them much .unless in WA .
Wave SE , few years back. Show single cm length only , no range, correct?
plus minus 2cm from that.
david @ezzy.com
Using No Limits 430 n dh to get leach to fall away to marks on sail. The outhaul seems to be 50mm or so LESS than prescribed numbers?
^^ That too.
Come to the conclusion. DH to the marks on sail between 2nd n 3rd batten.Then lightly pull clew n set boom to the string length on clew. Looks ok. Yet to sail em, such lil sails. The way the wind is looking it may be on the windskate.
The NoLimitz , either type should be ok, so far a mast curve goes.
Install the mast, not boom, have the lowest batten facing down towards earth.
Downhaul until the batten flips up towards the sky, this will be the Plus minus setting.
The newer sails have colored strings , different length at the clew, for min to max wind, I don't think your sails do.
i use them as a rough guide anyway, I apply outhaul until I like the way it looks, then press the sail towards the ground , feeling the tension around the half way mark, from clew to boom, fairly moderate effort , the sail should not touch the boom. I want a pocket, not flat.
majority of the time, the way it looks on the beach, is an indicator of how it sails, but not always.
^ these sails (2002) have a single string about 40mm long at clew. When outhaul tensioned how id rig my other Ezzys, so sail just touches boom when pushed firmly about 30cm from clew the boom can be 50-100mm shorter than advertised numbers.
^^ Not sure its a problem. Just not what i expected to find when rigging. Have written the new numbers on the Ezzy logo near tack of sail.
Umm, ok.
to answer you initial question, I think the specs are for a middle of the road rigging , with some leeway's on either side.
I've still got a set of 97 and 98 models I use regularly. Out on the 3.5 last week.
Still have the original rigging instructions they came with I dig them out and post here for you.
Putting a Ezzy skinny mast into these older sails that where designed for sdm fibrespar tidal waves really transforms them.
They are really good for using on the foil as well.