I have inherited a gopro hero.
It has the snap-on foot still attached but that is it.
my questions are.....
1. Helmet mount - should i tether it as well?
2. Anti fog inserts - are they really necessary?
3. Boom mount of some description - but not sure what i need.
would this be suitable?
Helmet mount, tether it. A number of helmet mounted Go Pros have been lost over the years.
Anti fog inserts, necessary. Some form of anti fogging material or process is needed, whether the Go Pro inserts or some other way of stopping condensation. Otherwise much of your footage will look something like the view of someone suffering from cataracts of the eyes.
Boom mount. Consider the Fly Mount. Fly Mounts are good and are more versatile than the mount you've pictured. The Fly Mount's clamp and its swivel base allows you to mount a Go Pro in many different spots easily and securely. The mount also can be tethered by rope for extra security.
how much do you value your GoPro??
tether, tie it - whatever it takes to save losing it !!
personally never used antifog - but have used rain-x for water to run off
here is a post i did on the infamous camera
^^^ good research Joe. Covered most options
I made the mast clamp option using a Bunnings clamp...
Followed this guide
Cheers Jeff
I use a flymount - good for the top of the mast as well - easy to get on and off
tether it, why risk losing it? also consider a floaty back cover, cheap on eBay
The boom mount on the photo is from ACME's CamOneInfinity....I have it and it's a solid product.
Flymount, according to what I've seen happening recently is a better choice than masthero.
The handlebar mount pictured in the OP will work fine on the boom at either end of the boom. I used mine every time I went out over Summer and didn't tether it. The only way I can see it coming off is if the mount breaks during a stack where it connects with the board. I have the floaty back thing on it but I think by the time I surface and realise it's not there it will probably have floated away. I use the same handlebar mount on the top of the mast with my sails that have an adjustable head.
I haven't used my helmet mount yet as it doesn't attach to my Gath but if it attaches to your helmet, I think I'd tether it some how.
I used my GoPro a heap over Summer and didn't have any fogging until my last session. I've assumed the seal was on its way out so I've replaced it but haven't had a chance to test it since. Either way, I haven't used any anti fog on it.
On another note, is there a dedicated thread on here where we can post our videos we've put together? I did a search but couldn't find anything. I've seen a couple where people have posted their own video but I thought it would be cool if there was somewhere we could all go to post our videos and pick up ideas from other people on different angles, editing, etc.
In regard to the anti fog inserts, after my sony went to the bottom of the lake I picked up a silver plus, the difference being that the plus can do 60 frames per second as well as 30. Anyway getting to the point, my nephew has a silver as well but in the non plus model and the first thing he said when he closed the case was wow that's way tighter than mine. He's a pretty switched on kid and said that go pro had done some work with the cases to make them better. I've had mine out on the water until the battery went flat and it didn't look like fogging up. So it seems the some improvements have been made in case department with the plus models.
The 60 frames per second footage looks awesome! so smooth and clear. Unfortunately it makes for some huge file sizes and go pro also recommends a fancy type of uber fast flash card that can handle the write speeds that 60 fps at HD demands and they don't give them away. They are quite pricey. I went for a 32 gb and having seen how fast it fills up at 60 fps I recommend the 64 gb if you can afford it.
The 60 frames per second footage looks awesome! so smooth and clear. Unfortunately it makes for some huge file sizes and go pro also recommends a fancy type of uber fast flash card that can handle the write speeds that 60 fps at HD demands and they don't give them away. They are quite pricey. I went for a 32 gb and having seen how fast it fills up at 60 fps I recommend the 64 gb if you can afford it.
I take all my windsurfing footage in 1080p 60fps wide. Obviously wide so I can get as much in frame as possible. I don't seem to notice the fish eye effect too much. Any landscape stuff I shoot in medium. My end videos are in 720p 30fps. This allows me to zoom in on my 1080 footage without dropping resolution. And 60fps allows me to slow mo 50% without dropping frames so in 30fps, your slow mo is seemless.
I think from memory I only have a 16GB card. It holds an hour of footage which is about how long the battery lasts.
you can use the helmet mount to mount the goPro on the clew - see this prev post
MastHero I recon has the best angle:
I'm just an average joe intermediate. I've thought about getting a Go Pro but figured it would be pretty boring as all I can do is go in a straight line and gybe sometimes . Assuming you can't do all the great stuff in the surf or B & J do people find they get bored with the footage after a while and stop using them?
I wouldn't mind borrowing one occasionally..
Sue the videos are dead set boring to 99% of your family and friends, who cares I only have to please me
Although my wife does get the giggles watching my bouncing boobies
Sue the videos are dead set boring to 99% of your family and friends, who cares I only have to please me
Although my wife does get the giggles watching my bouncing boobies I suppose I could use it to correct sailing problems..
Great tool for seeing how you sail, improving stance, gybes, and laughing at yourself....... also share it with mates, or get them to sail your kit...... its a toy............... and this is a hobby......so not that serious........
Great tool for seeing how you sail, improving stance, gybes, and laughing at yourself....... also share it with mates, or get them to sail your kit...... its a toy............... and this is a hobby......so not that serious........
and those expressions while concentrating during gybes, etc are priceless
MastHero I recon has the best angle:
These are lighter than any other mount, and strong.
Check them out on Facebook. I should ask for commission
that link causes my site advisor to go mental....mmmm
MastHero I recon has the best angle:
These are lighter than any other mount, and strong.
Check them out on Facebook. I should ask for commission
that link causes my site advisor to go mental....mmmm
It's perfectly fine. My work browser does the same thing. You can see how web censorship fails, lots of legitimate websites get blocked.