Well today I was really surprised that someone that has been sailing Neil Pryde for around 18 to 20 years done the switch!
I'm not bagging any of the sail makers out their, they all have great products, and they all look sweet when they are out in the water.
As for me I used to sail Gaastra back in the mid 80's then stopped sailing in mid 90's as $$$ got to much, got back into it around 2012 and straight to severne Gator and then the OVERDRIVE R3 and continued to sell and upgrade.
The look on his face was price less when we both set and tuned the sails
Mate welcome to SEVERNE OVERDRIVE R6 hope you enjoy them like I have, they are a super sweet sail, super stable, rotation is smooth and most comfortable sailing in the chop and the flat... yes set on SD75%.
Bring on the R8 they need some more colour put back into them... yellow
seems Severne have gone CC/constant curve as per Unifiber Mast Selector
as a regular customer/user, do your older hard top masts still work well
or do you upgrade them too ??
am trying to figure out which brand will work best with my older hard top masts
Shock, horror, gasp, nooooooooooo.
Nude one, even though the pic is sideways I'm hoping that's not the Tex mex man???
Another gone over to the dark side like Bushy, you etc. Oh well, the error of your ways will come out eventually.
MT still has the force on his side.
Ive been using my 2014 RDM Gorilla and they have been working fine. I'm in the process of upgrading to RDM90 so, not to sure but they are exactly the same only more cabon.
All you speedster Severne sailors had better start putting numbers on your sails. There's no so many of you I can't tell who is who!
On the upside, I met a young fella down the lake over the Easter long weekend who had an ex-Stu, ex-Bushy Severne and was getting back into the sport thanks to the new gear so I can't deny the trickle-down benefits of such a healthy scene of regular sail upgrades and second hand listings.
One day I could even envisage a Severne being added to my North + Neil Pryde + Ezzy + Aerotech + Arrows + Gaastra + Hot Sails Maui mongrel quiver!
Hi Guys, my severne overdrive rigging and rotation is great cannot wait to use it. Nice colours but not as good as the new Prydes. Then again at half the price I am not complaining. I was able to get two sails for the price of one! Looking froward to trying it out on the water before the big trip to New Caledonia. Thanks Nudist, love the sails.
I was in NC at Easter, thanks to Sean for introducing me to all the locals.
I saw one Severne sail (an R7 O/D) all week.