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Created by JazzyandJase > 9 months ago, 6 Nov 2016
QLD, 92 posts
6 Nov 2016 11:39AM
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So, changing the downhaul rope today on my NP UXT RDM Extension and this fell out. Anybody got an idea's where it came from and how to put it back.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
6 Nov 2016 9:52AM
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could this be it ??

QLD, 4862 posts
6 Nov 2016 1:38PM
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It butts up to the rope knot .
Its easier to thread the rope in the pully end first and then hook it out. Pull some rope out.
Slide the ring on the rope and then tie the knot.
Pull the rope out ( the normal way )and the knot will go down the hole.
I think it is there so that the rope doesn't cut on the sharp hole on the inside of the pully casting. It could also be there to wedge on the knot to not come undone.
Either way I'm not happy on the design.
PS , if it's a euro pin make sure that little pissy button has completely popped back out or it WILL seperate and it's no fun trying to get it back together out on the water.
One grain of sand will give u grief.

QLD, 92 posts
6 Nov 2016 2:47PM
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Imax1 you are all over it. I thought it came from that end. Interesting design but I suppose it does the job. Appreciate your comment on the pin. Joe thanks for the feedback also.

AUS 808
WA, 479 posts
7 Nov 2016 10:08AM
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JazzyandJase said..
So, changing the downhaul rope today on my NP UXT RDM Extension and this fell out. Anybody got an idea's where it came from and how to put it back.

It's not rusty so nothing to do with windsurfing

QLD, 4862 posts
7 Nov 2016 2:23PM
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Its chrome plated brass.And its part of the extension.

NSW, 323 posts
19 Feb 2017 2:04PM
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I completely disassembled the axle pin and pulleys the other evening in frustration, trying to thread and tie a new downhaul rope. I can't see any point to the brass ring. It doesn't sleeve inside the axle pin, there's nothing sharp that the rope needs protection from, and all it seems to do is prevent the axle pin seating properly into the housing on the mast side. I've removed the axle pin, filed the end off smooth and remounted it without the brass ring. The axle pin has at least 3mm of bearing surface on the inside shoulder of the housing if it is properly inserted, and rope tension holds it there firmly. PM me if you want photos. I'm yet to go sailing again but the brass ring seems entirely superfluous.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"NP UXT EXT Piece" started by JazzyandJase