Forums > Windsurfing General

New "Wing" for watersports?

Created by luckylou > 9 months ago, 20 Apr 2019
2 posts
20 Apr 2019 6:33AM
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Has anyone actually purchased one of these "wings"??? they are all over social right now and wondering which one works the best? I saw this:

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
20 Apr 2019 9:51AM
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No, we're all just using BBQ umbrellas .

QLD, 7428 posts
20 Apr 2019 11:25AM
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Didn't they tell you?

WA, 782 posts
20 Apr 2019 9:34AM
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First you'll need an operation to remove your pole only to find out its not for you.

Reflex Films
WA, 1448 posts
20 Apr 2019 10:54AM
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So i guess windsurfing has been cancelled again?

WA, 395 posts
20 Apr 2019 12:25PM
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Think that it may be a sly trick to get kiters travelling along the true path to righteousness ........ Windsurfing!

NSW, 1733 posts
20 Apr 2019 7:02PM
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looks a bit of a summer toy, also could be dangerous if you lose contact with the board in strong wind

NSW, 6451 posts
20 Apr 2019 8:28PM
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It was made for the windsurfer that wants to kite but are scared of strings.

WA, 3357 posts
20 Apr 2019 7:14PM
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How hard can it be....

NSW, 6451 posts
21 Apr 2019 7:24PM
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^^^^ You guys will no longer need a semitrailer to get your gear to the beach, will make the sport cheaper now that you don't need a special purpose vehicle or trailer as well as the expensive gear.

WA, 1381 posts
21 Apr 2019 6:54PM
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^^^ As opposed to needing a semi-trailer sized piece of beach just to rig up on,

688 posts
22 Apr 2019 2:13AM
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I think its a brilliant idea!! I think this might be the new best thing to get those weekenders who want a basic small kite wing to just foil along with out on the water. And it could be a great intro to either wind or kite foiling. This could even be a fun family toy as well. Maybe this is the new modern, causal thing to replace the 1980s windsurfing era when the sport wasn't so high tech, and the average Joe could get out and have a blast with basic skills. I can see even summer sailing programs getting a fleet of these.

954 posts
22 Apr 2019 2:46AM
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Let us know when you buy one and how it works.

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Apr 2019 7:34PM
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Select to expand quote
pepe47 said..
^^^ As opposed to needing a semi-trailer sized piece of beach just to rig up on,

That's ok, beach is free

540 posts
26 Apr 2019 7:48AM
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I'm dying with laughter over the stupidity of this.

688 posts
26 Apr 2019 8:18AM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"New "Wing" for watersports?" started by luckylou