It's for those two youngster ;) they love it this way ...
lots of music videos edited this way. like it myself.
Sorry but I prefer this:
What an amazing place, it goes up-hill 3 m from 7 to 10 m and then back down, no wonder he has his Alpha500 record...
It's for those two youngster ;) they love it this way ...
lots of music videos edited this way. like it myself.
Sorry but I prefer this:
Martin this is an ultra classic windsurf movie, it's nice BUT ONLY when you know windsurfing. No one around me who's not a windsurfeur want to see more then 5 seconde of it. They will say oh yeah it looks so easy to windsurf I should try again .
I want to do something different than those normal straight lined speed movie we always see in windsurfing.
I did this litlle V-MAX video for two Young brother 16 and 17 years old. They wanted to show off and prove to their school friends windsurf is something special, Young and dynamique ...
I'm very classic in a lot of ways, just somtime we need to change or adapt to other especialy when willing to promote windsurfing
Sorry but I prefer this:
Ok wish the readout was in knots..good video but trying to get my head around the speed..