Forums > Windsurfing General

The Bucket List- watersport section

Created by MikeyS > 9 months ago, 10 Oct 2014
VIC, 1506 posts
10 Oct 2014 9:52AM
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Being of an age where there's more sand in the bottom of the hourglass than the top, it's time to write the bucket list. Hopefully I can tick off the first two in the forthcoming week. The ones that will really mean something are those that involve conquering fear, rather than spending money.

1. Join the F.F.A.F. club (First Forward After Fifty).
2. Sail at Maui
3. Cross Bass Strait in my 19 foot boat
4. Crack 38kts

Others to follow.

All inspirational messages to achieve #1 appreciated.

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
10 Oct 2014 11:17AM
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MikeyS said..
Being of an age where there's more sand in the bottom of the hourglass than the top, it's time to write the bucket list. Hopefully I can tick off the first two in the forthcoming week. The ones that will really mean something are those that involve conquering fear, rather than spending money.

1. Join the F.F.A.F. club (First Forward After Fifty).
2. Sail at Maui
3. Cross Bass Strait in my 19 foot boat
4. Crack 38kts

Others to follow.

All inspirational messages to achieve #1 appreciated.

Good to have goals man. They all look pretty cool. I'd worry about the number 3 though??? Full keel self righting? What's the specs? I did read an article about a dude from Aus sailing a 26 foot tophat from AUS to Sth Africa.... guys was nuts brave, or stupid... but he made it....

All the best.

VIC, 1506 posts
10 Oct 2014 12:52PM
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Power boat, not sail boat. Basically the same boat (plus and extra foot) that Hans Tholstrup took from Darwin to Japan some years back. Still risky, but more a matter of getting a good weather window and lots or preparation.

VIC, 664 posts
11 Oct 2014 12:00AM
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I'll egg you on mike. If you push me to do my second loop.

1972 posts
11 Oct 2014 2:41AM
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To be a guest crewman on one of these, while on full foil.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"The Bucket List- watersport section" started by MikeyS