Much more to come. Check out the blog on the mito site. Consider a small donation. Any small amount is greatly appreciated, or tell your doctor about. Around 1 in 200 Aussies have it but most doctors have very little knowledge on it. It can cause virtually any thing from muscle weakness and fatigue through to mystery seizures or hear problems. Most doctors think it's only a fatal childhood problem but really there is a whole spectrum.
Ok this forum will be the windsurfing aspects. Too dry for blog.
Or perhaps more appropriately I should call it survivor Witsundays.
First up two huge thank you
One John Doolan for all your help and advice and the loan of a locator beacon. Second to Denis Winstanley for tons of advice and keeping an eye on my movements. More thanks to come.... especially for the help with mito.
Much more to come but I don't want to miss the tide.
Sorry just to make it clear I'm about 1 third of the way through a solo windsurfing adventure in the witsundays . Mostly camping and carrying my own supplies but utilising resorts where possible. More on that too.....
That link isn't working Heavy, but hope the island hopping is going well up there! Good luck on the journeys
For afternoon all,
I've known Lyndon for about 4 years, over that time he has proven himself to be a great friend and a great human being. His desire to use this adventure to raise money for such a worthy cause just reinforces that belief in him.
Lyndon has been thinking about this Whitsunday Island hop adventure for decades and has been planning this adventure for over 12 months.
He decided to combine this adventure with the worthy cause to raise money for research into Mitochondria Disease (Mito), which is a little like the symbiotic relationship that MITO cells have with we humans. What an irony don't you think!
I've known Lyndon for about 4 years, over that time he has proven himself to be a great friend and a great human being. His desire to use this adventure to raise money for such a worthy cause just reinforces my belief in him.
The link to the fund raising page which is also where he's been blogging is below :-
Lyndon will be at the 1st heat of the NSW Raceboard series which will be held at Saratoga Sailing Club on the 28th & 29th September 2019 and I'm sure will be more than happy to answer any questions about his adventure or MITO if anyone wishes to know more.
As Lyndon's Whitsunday Island Hope adventure draws to a close this week, check out his blog and some fantastic pictures on his Everydayhero page :-