Forums > Windsurfing General

wind range for a 5.3 sail on a SUP no foil

Created by Francone > 9 months ago, 17 Aug 2020
WA, 291 posts
17 Aug 2020 7:06AM
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I had posted this as a new thread 1 hr ago. I can't see it. I am re-posting

What wind range will a 5.3 m sail cover, subplaning?( HSM, older model , from the 90's . )

I weigh 190 lbs and sail on a 12 ft Windsup with daggerboard. I know the basics ( jibe, tack) I sail in 15 knts winds, no planing, with a oldish NP Garda 6.2 m. For whatever reasons, may be its older design , at 18 knts or so, even with an all-out outhaul, the sail tends to become a bit overpowering and I was thinking of getting a 5.3. Will it get me going ( at least subplaning ) in 18 knts?



VIC, 17513 posts
17 Aug 2020 5:08PM
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Francone said..
I had posted this as a new thread 1 hr ago. I can't see it. I am re-posting

What wind range will a 5.3 m sail cover, subplaning?( HSM, older model , from the 90's . )

Will it get me going ( at least subplaning ) in 18 knts?



Yes it should.. and it should be fine up to about 25knots depending on your skill.

VIC, 17513 posts
17 Aug 2020 5:49PM
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btw.. I once made a vid showing windsurfing a SUP board and I was using an old'ish 5.7 sail and it was around 18 knots.

QLD, 3236 posts
17 Aug 2020 8:13PM
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I've seen a video of Spotti taking a SUP for a 34kt run at Sandy point

VIC, 294 posts
17 Aug 2020 10:01PM
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I use my 5.6 on my SUP all the time well up to 20knts. It is down to technique also it could be your centerboard as I have found I can get my smaller fin Fanatic Allwave to really boogie. Having a sail on your board is awesome for doing transitions like back winding, duck tacks all the old school tricks. It is unreal in light winds on a wave you just put put out and ride the waves in on apparent wind. Its also a great way to take kids out and your dog... My new thing is with a big sup and a wing sail it is great, kids learn insanely quickly with a wing and have fun.

1312 posts
17 Aug 2020 10:08PM
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My olde pal, hello.
so the 6.2 , when de-tuned is too much.
Is there a smaller sail in your quiver, like a 5.0 or smaller ?
a nice 5.5-5.2 would be a nice edition, lighter and with enough grunt to have some fun on your BIC ? Still?

I would look at your board as a sub planer, go out have fun. Hope you are well.

2623 posts
17 Aug 2020 11:00PM
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Francone said..
..oldish NP Garda 6.2 m.

Speaking objectively as possible: it's not oldish. It's old. The tuning range of older designs is much less than modern sails. It's fine in lighter winds but with it's tight leach, stretch cloth and relatively flimsy battens (all things that make it decent/pleasant in light air) work against it in stronger winds.

The HSM will depend on what model - wave or cammed slalom? Most modern 5 somethings can be sailing to at least the mid 20s. If you can get the board to plane, it will be much easier - there will be substantially less pull on the sail.

At least on modern sails, don't over downhaul them - pull them flat. There needs to be some shape or else you end up with an awful on/off twitch sail.

2623 posts
18 Aug 2020 4:01AM
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Paducah said..
At least on modern sails, don't over downhaul them - pull them flat.

Eek... My bad. Should be don't over outhaul them - pull them too flat.

WA, 291 posts
19 Aug 2020 5:34AM
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Paducah said..

Francone said..
..oldish NP Garda 6.2 m.

Speaking objectively as possible: it's not oldish. It's old. The tuning range of older designs is much less than modern sails. It's fine in lighter winds but with it's tight leach, stretch cloth and relatively flimsy battens (all things that make it decent/pleasant in light air) work against it in stronger winds.

The HSM will depend on what model - wave or cammed slalom? Most modern 5 somethings can be sailing to at least the mid 20s. If you can get the board to plane, it will be much easier - there will be substantially less pull on the sail.

At least on modern sails, don't over downhaul them - pull them flat. There needs to be some shape or else you end up with an awful on/off twitch sail.

I finally bought ..(for a song or almost) an HSM 5.2 Fusion from the early 2000's, little used, in mint condition.
You say a 5.2 will carry me into the 20 knts range. I am sure it will, but I don't see myself sailing in that kind of winds. I am more interested in the lower range, about 18 knts , when my Garda begins to show its limitations, due to its old design, as you rightly pointed out . This is why I bought the sail. If It can do it, great!

I later found it is a wave sail, though . Should it matter? Being the minimalist guy I am, it didn't bother me too much, but I am curious to know .
what is the difference in performance between a wave sail and a freeride sail Most likely, a regular freeride sail is not suited for wave sailing, but does it work both ways? One thing I noticed is that this sail has a nice built-in bottom shape, which forebodes power.

The only thing is that the sail specs require a 167 cm boom, but mine is 180 cm min. I'll see how it goes..



1312 posts
19 Aug 2020 7:53AM
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it's billed as a bump and jump sail, a SUV. For your purpose it doesn't matter what it's called.

WA, 291 posts
21 Aug 2020 11:24PM
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forceten said..

it's billed as a bump and jump sail, a SUV. For your purpose it doesn't matter what it's called.

OK, tks. The Fusion takes a 167 cm boom, though. I have a 180 boom, i.e. the sail is about 15 cm shorter at the clew. . Can I use it or do I have to buy a smaller one?



1312 posts
22 Aug 2020 8:11AM
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Francone said..

forceten said..

it's billed as a bump and jump sail, a SUV. For your purpose it doesn't matter what it's called.

OK, tks. The Fusion takes a 167 cm boom, though. I have a 180 boom, i.e. the sail is about 15 cm shorter at the clew. . Can I use it or do I have to buy a smaller one?



Without the sail and boom meeting , it will have X amount of additional flex. But the boom will be as short as can be, not extended sowill this X , uncharted factor effect the sailing you do.
Should this present itself , the flex, and be undesirable, buy a smaller one.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"wind range for a 5.3 sail on a SUP no foil" started by Francone