Apologises for the cross post.
I have released a program called Sailplay under the artistic licence (basically it's freeware). It's a program that converts GPS log data into a google moving map movie (MPEG) file.
Sailplay revision 9 is publicly available from the link below. This is a Unix version and will only work on operating systems like Linux, OpenBSD and (and with some poking) Mac OS X. Here is the link
I'll investigate a Windows port when time permits. Watch this space.
Here is the original discussion. This contains some sample movies, that will show you what it does.
Thanks for your responses. There's been more discussion about it in the General section, but the long and the short of it is: I am not going to bother porting it to windows, since there is already windows software out there that does the job (see the post in the general section for more info about this).
YP1: Yes, you can track more than 1 participant.
Rolz: Did you manage to download the file ?. Another user reported downloading issues. I'm going to upload it onto my recovered sourceforge account (that's if it works okay). It's been 8 years since I have released software. The Internet has changed.
PS/ Here is the Sourceforge download link.