first attempt at uploading to or from YouTube its taken a while but finally got there , when I get around too getting the board up on youtube ill do a post on how too customize a board and make the fin
slowly getting a vid together as well as doing another fin
hopefully I can get some feedback between now and next janurary from some of the dedicated fin guys and see what we can come up with for LG
the fin is what you mite say a hybrid ,so in between a C3 slingshot aand MFC DELTA, the difference is , the cord isn't as long as the MFC and has less rake=47deg, the foil is similar to the C3 with a thicker foil at the base for 1/3 then drops away so there is about 2mm difference too the base to the tip, where as the MFC is flat from the base to the tip
the idea of the stainless leading edge is, carbon is very soft and will sand easy, as for stainless you cant sand it , you can file but cant sand
the stainless is layed in with 20 strands of woven roving's, the roving's are extremely stiff and have to be soaked overnight to soften them up, the rest of the core is 205gram uni carbon ( $22mt)
the fin it self has a very lively feel, the good thing about these type of fins is they have a big sail range , its no problem to be powered up with a 6.2 and drop down to a 4.6 on the same fin
see what I can come up with after Easter and hopefully add to the post
Hope your experience with stainless leading edges is better than mine keef!
I tried on several fins, but after a while most of them delamned. Not sure if it's the different expansion rate between carbon and stainless or what, but I've given up on the idea. Although you're right about the wear properties, it's fantastic!
Lake George weed isn't abrasive, (unlike our estuary and Albany harbour), all I noticed after 2 weeks sailing was a slight polish. Even some of the mud there can be sailed thru without any damage, but there are spots with sand/shells in it that does abrade fins.
Radical looking board mate, how fast have you gone on that?
mike I have some pics coming up on the layup, basically the stainless is 20mm wide x 1.5ml with holes drilled every 20 to 25ml then layed up in the roving's and uni carbon with vinyl ester, if it does delam it can only lift 10mm into the leading edge because of the drill holes
I know the weed your talking about we have a lake here with the same weed, last year I was getting close to 38 with a 21 slingshot 30deg
ive also got some pics on how to lay the board up, its an old slalom I modified along the lines of the MXR only more radical it's 280mm at the first cutout , I think 580 from the tail , had it to 36.8 in a southerly , even knocked Ado off his perch, he was here in January and set top speed of close to 36nts that was n/e
Yes, those holes may do the trick, (hope so), the stainless I had wasn't that wide.
Sounds like the board works well.
Yep, I'll be getting my channelled board for our gusty winter winds, small sinkers are a real pain in up and down stuff
I just noticed
c3's proto weed's leading edge is 45deg the trailing edge is 25 deg and 22 to 23cm
just for interest my fin's leading edge is 45deg, trailing edge 10deg 19cm (not 18) it would be interesting to see his report
what ever the outcome ,the fins are going to be over $200 and there going to be heavy (that's if there anything like the slingshots) the fin in the pic isn't the one in mention but very close
I just noticed
c3's proto weed's leading edge is 45deg the trailing edge is 25 deg and 22 to 23cm
just for interest my fin's leading edge is 45deg, trailing edge 10deg 19cm (not 18) it would be interesting to see his report
what ever the outcome ,the fins are going to be over $200 and there going to be heavy (that's if there anything like the slingshots) the fin in the pic isn't the one in mention but very close
Keef, you need to revive the swinging fin. A good bearing will be essential to get around the sticking issue with swinging centre boards. You could crank it right back to 55 to get started in thick weed, back to 38 as you head to the shallows at speed, then let it come back by itself as it scrapes the bottom like an inverted Melbourne tram. No tip vortices, that's got to be good. Call it the "tram fin".
What chord thickness ratio are you using Keef?
I've found that even though the shallow water weedies work, they are a tad slow. Owing to this I've made another 27 with a chord ratio of 7%. I was using 8-8.5% but I'm hoping to reduce the drag and think that with the flow extended over a larger distance I can drop the ratio?! R&D, gotta love it. (should be T&E).
Well, my maths isn't all that crash hot but I think that's 6.1%. If that's so, then it explains why you don't have the drag that I have with 8.5. Gonna have to send the bigger fin to my jenny craig sander!!
I've just upped my 6.5% 55deg weedy to 9%, it was very slippery but didn't have much lift.
Have I gone too far?
Guess I'll have to find out.
Take a little off at a time Pepe, then you have a better chance of finding the sweet spot.
I think you're right Decrep, definitely paying my share of the carbon tax.
Hope the carbon powder is good for the lawn
pepe these carbon fins are about 80% carbon so there extremely stiff, by the time the fin is foiled there isn't a lot of ply left , you can go really thin where you want
if you have a close look at the video as long as you keep everything strait it's not hard
there aren't any of these fins on the market as yet, so if anyone planning on boggy lake next year its worth a try
I have a few fin projects coming up that ill tacking onto this thread, ill be putting them to the test at illawarra in a few months and gearing up for boggy next year
finally finished the fin, had several change of plans after viewing boogies 25cm weedy, also decided to do a assy for primbee, not that I know anything about assy's I have to be carefull what I say for petermac
I guess the object is not for you to copy what im doing or take anything I say as gospel, the whole idea is to show you what you can do with a wheel
one thing you can take as "quote" gospel there isn't any glassing job you cant do with a wheel, but there's a lot of jobs you cant do whithout a wheel
Your getting fancy with your movie making but not everyone has those 3D glasses yet. Can I borrow yours to view the vid properly in stereo?