Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

4G V45 GPS Tracker

Created by tbwonder > 9 months ago, 25 Dec 2021
NSW, 691 posts
25 Dec 2021 11:04AM
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4G V45 GPS Tracker
Just when you thought you had enough GPS's along comes another one to add to the collection.
This however is for a different purpose - safety.
This device is primarily designed for keeping track of the elderly. But it appears to be an ideal way of staying in touch whilst out on the water.
Essentially this device is just a mobile phone. You could use a phone with a tracking app and get the same functionality. But the simplicity of this device makes it worthwhile.
The device has a tiny colour screen much like a telephone from 15 years ago and a single button. It is about the same size as a mini Motion. It claims to be waterproof, but will need to be in an aqaupac.
You install an app on your normal android or iphone, then you can program the device with the contact number.
Whilst out the device logs your position once a minute. At any time your live track for the day can be seen by anybody running the app (password protected of course).You can receive phone calls from anybody, simply push the button to answer and talk hands free.
You can only make a call to the one programmed number. So you program this to the person most likely to come and rescue you should the need a rise.
So when you are out for a crazy distance session and it ends up taking much longer than planned, your partner can check out where you are and if you are making progress. Remember to turn it off before spending two hours at the pub on the way home.
Of course you need to sail where there is mobile reception and it needs a sim card. I am using an Aldi pay you go plan. So it costs only $5 to get started and lasts for up to 365 days. Initial trials show a cost of about 10c for an all day session.
They cost about $90 on ebay


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"4G V45 GPS Tracker" started by tbwonder