Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

5 x 10 sec Question to the guru's

Created by Mux > 9 months ago, 12 Apr 2011
QLD, 226 posts
12 Apr 2011 11:44AM
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Just wondering about 5 x 10 sec avg's, I'm not the fastest out there but out on the weekend had a nice sail and did one long run close to 2 nm total of 13 km, when got off the water I checked the restore on the max 10s avg on my GT 31 and I had 5 over 20 kts, so I thought that I would of had a 5 x 10 of atleast 20 kts but when I downloaded the file I only got a 5x 10 of 16 kts with a nm of 18 kts.Wondering if someone could explain it to me why?

Squid Lips
WA, 708 posts
12 Apr 2011 12:33PM
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I'm probably wrong but maybe each of the 10s have to be on different runs?

SA, 280 posts
12 Apr 2011 7:46PM
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^^^^^ what he said, but also the speeds have to be from the current session.
The restore function will show you the best speeds from ALL the sessions you ever recorded.
So some of the 5 averages you were looking at were probably from previous sessions.

QLD, 214 posts
12 Apr 2011 9:20PM
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I think you only get one 10 sec run from each reach (unless you come to just about a stop...maybe) ....after you jibe and start a new reach then you will get another 10 sec. other words if you sail fast in a straight line at for 5 minutes
you will only get one 10 sec.

WA, 12375 posts
12 Apr 2011 8:40PM
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The GTs set on speed genie will start a new calculation, every time you drop below the set speed, so if your trigger speed is 20kts, and you fall under 20kts 5 times, then go over again on your long run, you'll get 5 runs over 20kts on your 10s max average.
But real speed needs you to change direction, (I guess this is the definition of "a run"), before it starts a new calculation, so from your long run it will only give you one 10s result.

And as already mentioned, if you haven't zeroed the last session, that will be there as well.

WA, 4015 posts
13 Apr 2011 10:07AM
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A good question, thanks for asking it. The replies explain a lot.

QLD, 226 posts
13 Apr 2011 6:59PM
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decrepit said...

And as already mentioned, if you haven't zeroed the last session, that will be there as well.

I had zeroed my last session so it was showing no restore figures for that reason as I have been fooled before on to that one. I guess it sucks if you have one good run and then find all the holes like I did on the weekend. But still it is good to know for the next time I go out Thanks for the insight

QLD, 643 posts
30 Apr 2011 2:17PM
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I can confirm that requires you to change direction between "runs" for the 5x10, though oddly enough, consecutive runs could be in the same direction.

Say you were sailing on a 5km straight run. If you stopped every 1km and did a little 360 gybe, would probably interpret that as 5 separate runs, even though they were all in the same direction, because you took the time to change direction briefly during the run.

With ka72, the threshold is 90 degrees, I think, before a new run is detected.

QLD, 226 posts
30 Apr 2011 7:23PM
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Thanks for the help will keep that in the back of the head for next time. Need to perfect the 360 then.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"5 x 10 sec Question to the guru's" started by Mux