For information only as it shows that the average age of participants is getting older.
Current numbers for 2018 and projected numbers for 5 years time using age filter to determine.
Only counted sailors who have posted more than 10KM in a single session each year.
Do not know how many times they have posted in each year.
There is no way of knowing total forward numbers for 2023 however the average age will be older than present on trend.
At most spots where I sail in the US, that would probably be close to the demographics of all windsurfers, except that the 13-17 category is empty most of the time. Younger windsurfers tend to be more into freestyle than speed (but speed is not exactly a big thing in the US...).
Does money play a role? Older windsurfers tend to have more cash to spend, especially once the kids are out of the house. It seems easier to freeride or freestyle with just one or two boards and a couple of sails. I got one freestyle board and one freestyle-wave for the rare really windy days. For speed, it's 3 slalom boards plus a speed board. Sails are similar. Sails & masts are also more expensive. I tried the "cheap used race sail with mismatched mast" route for a while, but that's a recipe for frustration.
I think money definitely plays a part in the fact that younger people aren't getting involved. We are fortunate that the local yacht club has windsurfing and seems to be running programs for local schools and other things and has a number of young people getting involved but this is more focused on techno/longboards. But is awesome to see heaps of kids getting out on the water. I think one thing that hinders young people is that they need to buy a GPS watch that is not used for anything else. A lot of young guys are often doing other sports and may have a GPS watch ie gamin or other but aren't able to post. But would be difficult for parents to justify something for specific.
Perhaps this is something we need to consider if we want to be more inclusive /available for a younger audience in the longer term.
I know for me if has definitely been a great way to get to know new people and improve my sailing.
250 Euro for the Motion GPS converts to 400 AUD. 350 AUDseems to be a typical price for the GW-60, judging from a brief web search. There are quite a few used speed and slalom sails in theBuy & Sell section for less.
Anyone who wants to start to speed surf probably will learn on different gear first, and may well have a boom and mast. To get started, one board and one sail will do, which can be found around 1000-1200 AUD. If you then have an extra 400 AUD, would someone on a limited budget rather spend it on a second sail or on a GPS?
I'm pretty sure not everyone would go for the GPS - especially not one that many find hard to use, breaks easily, and has disappointing warranty coverage.
That graph is interesting, the majority being in the 45-59 bracket.
As well as average age getting older, Its also reflecting that these days 50 something is equiv to the old 30 something. Windsurfing regularly would have to be one of the best sports for all round fitness and mobility.
When I first started GPS sailing I bought three 4-year-old race sails for $700 and two boards for about $1000 combined. Plus bits and pieces call it $2500.00 - $3000.00. Plenty of people spend that kind of money on a bike or a TV and that kind of money, for the vast majority, is not going to be a deal breaker. The most likely hindrance to someone taking up GPS sailing would be the hours on the water it takes to get to a reasonable skill level. As rewarding as I found it - it was also physically demanding and takes hours and hours and hours and most people seem to be pretty time poor these days.
Also, my 2 cents on these new GPS units, If it means going back to an upper arm mounted device? Forget it! They are a pain in the arse and I would rather stick with the GW60 despite its shortcomings. (I'm on my 2nd)
^^ AGEING??? NO WIND??? Get yourself an RB. NOTHING scores TIME ON WATER like an RB. You can cruise in comfort or try to smash the 30kt RB barrier until youre a 90yo fart. Short n sinky isnt always the best. I get many more comments about piloting an RB over 25kts than a 30kt+ shortboard run does. The OLD GUYS around here grin at my "Floating Dancefloor" (RB) as i go zippin past. They know they SECRETLY want one.