Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Another Dumb Newbie with a GT-31

Created by easty > 9 months ago, 17 Jul 2010
TAS, 2213 posts
17 Jul 2010 5:38PM
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Gees, I bet you had a dollar for every time a question gets asked about setting up a GPS!
My problem is I'm trying to format the SD card (in the memory card menu), but it wont let me - it says "turn off log first". How do I do this.

Also I'm trying to set the NMEA Items to SBN 1 Sec, but this isn't in the list - it has SBN Off. I click on this but nothing changes.

Also I set the Map Datum to Aust84, is this correct?

Thank you in advance for your generous patience with yet another techno inept windsurfer.

NSW, 625 posts
17 Jul 2010 6:01PM
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I feel your pain Easty

lao shi
SA, 1313 posts
17 Jul 2010 6:35PM
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The reason it won't format the SD card is because it is logging data to it.
Soo.. you have to turn it off Memory card> log switch>off
Then format card
Then turn Memory card> log switch>on-fix

Nmea items click scroll down to SBN move joystick side ways to get to 1sec

Map datum WGS84 don't know why

Tom Chalko has his settings here

TAS, 2213 posts
17 Jul 2010 7:44PM
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Thank you lao shi, excellent instructions.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Another Dumb Newbie with a GT-31" started by easty