Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk


Created by Stretchy > 9 months ago, 13 Oct 2014
WA, 977 posts
13 Oct 2014 10:19PM
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Anyone sailed there lately? I used to (10yrs ago) have some great sails down there when it was blowing SEly in Bunbury. Dead flat water and strong wind. Then the sand bar grew until it was only good for kiters.
What's it like now?

WA, 2098 posts
14 Oct 2014 10:24AM
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Head for the river mouth for the best speed runs.
The sand hills are a couple of metres high so the wind is gusty in the lee, just sail more in the middle of the river to get cleaner wind. Plenty of water depth.

A fun spot - clear water and white sand.

A few of us managed 35 to 40 knot runs last year. Worth the trip.

WA, 977 posts
14 Oct 2014 9:19PM
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azymuth said..
Head for the river mouth for the best speed runs.
The sand hills are a couple of metres high so the wind is gusty in the lee, just sail more in the middle of the river to get cleaner wind. Plenty of water depth.

A fun spot - clear water and white sand.

A few of us managed 35 to 40 knot runs last year. Worth the trip.

Thanks for the response. THats where I used to sail, but the last time I tried to sail there the sand had built up so much it was virtually unsailable. Sounds like it might have improved a bit. I'll give it another shot over summer

WA, 4015 posts
15 Oct 2014 2:35PM
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I sailed there late summer this year.
It was gusty but still worthwhile.
The river mouth had been cut through at the western end.
I am told right up at the eastern end is the best spot for speed runs but I didn't get up that far.

WA, 937 posts
15 Oct 2014 8:42PM
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Sailed there a couple of times about three years ago. Very friendly locals. The height of the sand dunes around the launch area made the wind quite gusty but the pay off is that the water is VERY flat. The kites were having a great time at the eastern end but it was too shallow while I was there for my 32cm fin. Well worth a look!

WA, 977 posts
16 Oct 2014 7:57PM
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This Sunday looks like it will be ideal for Augusta. unfortunately no leave pass

WA, 977 posts
19 Oct 2014 8:31PM
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Stretchy said..
This Sunday looks like it will be ideal for Augusta. unfortunately no leave pass

Well I did get there today. The verdict - rubbish! Sandbanks are still way too high, I found it pretty much unsailable. Pity, used to be a terrific spot

WA, 12429 posts
19 Oct 2014 10:45PM
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Bugger! we were counting on you guys for a good post, we got totally skunked here.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Augusta?" started by Stretchy