Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Bear away

Created by LeStef > 9 months ago, 12 Mar 2010
ACT, 514 posts
12 Mar 2010 6:12PM
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Hi, I have read many time that if you want to accelerate to get a good time, it's good to bear down wind. I have tried quite a bit last Sunday, but there was a bit of chop and could feel myself slowing down sharply when getting to a bigger chop (surf).
Does it only work on really flat water ?
Or is it just my feeling of speed that changes as I am not going against the waves and more with them ? I guess I should check my GPS speed live at that time.

tony wyn
VIC, 81 posts
12 Mar 2010 8:35PM
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hi Lestef,
When you bear away off wind, lets say, 140 degrees, it actually feels like you are going slower because there is less drag on the sail and the apparent wind increases. You will need more wind to start a broad run, but as the apparent wind increases with your speed, the sail will feel lighter and less "powered up". You can generally tell a fast run at Sandy point when it feel "easy". Sandy is a classic for this as it is a curved run and the angle gets more broad the further you sail. Check your GPS, you'll be surprised....


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Bear away" started by LeStef