Let me start by saying I am not much of a tech head.
Went to Burrum on the weekend and had a big day on Saturday - got off the water and was absolutely buggered - looked at my canmore and I had clocked big k's - PB for me.
Get home and go to post the session but there were no files showing in my activities. Actually the Activities will not open.
I took the device for a drive today to see if it was just a one off but again no file shows.
Any ideas?
The only problem I'm aware of with the Canmore, is the full memory one. When it's connected to the computer, have a look at properties to see what the available memory is. The problem usually is a very full hidden file filled with error logs. I'm not sure how to view this file in windows, but in linux you just select "show hidden files" in the file browser.
your activities folder is not showing as a folder (yellow) that's very unusual...
Try a factory reset to see if the folder re appears.
<div>Hope this helps
Thanks guys.
Seems to be plenty of free space - had a crack at the fixes but not having any success. Patience are waring thin so have emailed the seller for a fix.
Wished I lived in a world wear stuff just worked when you plug it in. But than again - I am a man who is more comfortable with a hammer in my hand so it could just be me.
We had a dud Canmore and the seller replaced it no questioned asked, within the week. It was about 2-3 mths old.
I once had that all .fit files inside the Activities folder disappeared, but the used disk space was still 2.8MB and left was only 3KB. What I did to fix it was that I copied the GP-102 folder to C:\Temp (in your case make sure that the "Activities" and "NewFiles" is not file, but a folder. If that is the case then just delete Actvities and NewFiles and recreate them as folders using right-click, New->Folder on Windows). Then I formatted the whole Canmore "drive" (in my computer it was D:) using FAT and copied back the GP-102 folder onto it. Now I had about 42KB used and free was 2.8 MB again.'
I hope that makes sense. I think this is more or less the same what Gustenzo did on Mac. I think there is a bug in the Canmore when the disk gets full. So once there is 2 MB used I would remove/backup all .fit files.