Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Claude's crack's!

Created by birdseyeview > 9 months ago, 16 Aug 2009
WA, 150 posts
16 Aug 2009 5:20PM
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Just had a visit from Claude after his big stack at Safety Bay yesterday and have to say I've never seen anything like it. Beside's his cracked rib's he has indentation's of stitching from the sail on his face, and a sore thumb!
Now, everyone should have a guess at the insane speed Claude was travelling to do this damage - choose from the following 43kn. - 40kn. - 35kn. - 30kn. or 5kn

1553 posts
16 Aug 2009 5:54PM
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Claude you damn look happy about it so i would say 40kts plus and i wouldn't care myself if i had sail stiched on my face with a stack should have been fun

TAS, 1998 posts
16 Aug 2009 7:56PM
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hope your ok claude, aventually.

WA, 3620 posts
16 Aug 2009 5:59PM
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Claude! Nice!

WA, 210 posts
16 Aug 2009 8:46PM
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Definitely 40+. Claude wouldn't come off under 40.
Nice to see you doing it hard for the SRM Claude.

And summer hasn't even started .....!

WA, 150 posts
16 Aug 2009 9:00PM
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Allright, Claude's speed was 5knots! He say's he was about to get planning when hit by a severe gust. Sorry Claude, but that's pretty unlucky - enjoy your month or so on the sideline's.

WA, 4103 posts
16 Aug 2009 9:19PM
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Get well soon Claude!!

WA, 1731 posts
16 Aug 2009 9:31PM
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youch!!! hope everthings allright Claude i hope you heal quick....i suspose you went and played footy after sailing!....i dont think i have ever seen some one do a thumb before...did it get jammed in the cringle?....

WA, 899 posts
17 Aug 2009 6:42PM
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what a beauty, i would say at 43knots, just when you think your gonna smash your pb, you spin out, hit some chop then catch a rail, and cart wheel across the top of the water


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Claude's crack's!" started by birdseyeview