Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Colour meanings and using Google Earth with ka72

Created by Dylan72 > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2012
QLD, 645 posts
29 Jan 2012 11:02PM
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I got an email this evening from someone wanting a reminder about Google Earth and the colours used in overlays.

I typed out a long reply, but it bounced back "sender unknown" so rather than waste my effort I'll post it here (and hope that "Geoff" sees it here.)
I can't remember the colour codes offhand (red is the 2s peak, I remember that!) but you can work it out if you have Google Earth handy. (And I've worked out the colour codes too, so you can skip the guff and jump to the end if you just want the answer quickly)

Open the overlay page (for example: ) then click the link at the bottom of the image to download the file.

Open the downloaded file in Google Earth.

If you have a fairly recent version of Google Earth, then you should see a section called "Places" on the left edge of your screen. (If you don't see it, on the program menu, click "View", "Sidebar" and it should pop up.)

Under "Places" there will be "Temporary Places" and under that "KA72 Results." If you click the little triangle next to "KA72 Results" you will see a list pop down of your results, and the colour of each result is next to the figure. You can use the checkboxes here to show and hide individual results, for instance, if you want to focus on your Alpha and make sure that it is a valid-looking shape, you can uncheck everything except the alpha result, and double-click on that to zoom to it.

Now that I'm there, I can see the 2s peak is red, the 100m is cyan, the 5x10s are black, the Alpha is green, the nm is sort of dark greeny blue, and the 1hr is white (so it doesn't really show, but you can still show ONLY the 1hr, and then focus on that segment in Google Earth.)

Hope that helps!



QLD, 2995 posts
30 Jan 2012 12:34AM
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Cheers! Use it often.

NSW, 27 posts
31 Jan 2012 10:03AM
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Dylan72 said...

Under "Places" there will be "Temporary Places" and under that "KA72 Results." If you click the little triangle next to "KA72 Results" you will see a list pop down of your results, and the colour of each result is next to the figure. You can use the checkboxes here to show and hide individual results, for instance, if you want to focus on your Alpha and make sure that it is a valid-looking shape, you can uncheck everything except the alpha result, and double-click on that to zoom to it.

Didn't realize you could display each category individually, very useful
Thanks Dylan

QLD, 4873 posts
31 Jan 2012 2:53PM
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Yeah it's an excellent function although I have noted that the five 10sec individual runs shown on the overlay are all indicated with the fastest 10second speed. It's not really that big a deal as you can always refer back to the processed file.

Love your work Dylan.

SA, 134 posts
1 Feb 2012 5:42PM
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Thanks I will pass that info on to Jeff as he was asking me about it the other day

QLD, 645 posts
1 Feb 2012 10:15PM
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YP1 said...

Thanks I will pass that info on to Jeff as he was asking me about it the other day

Ask him if he emailed me, and if he did, let him know I tried to reply to him, but the return email address didn't work.



Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Colour meanings and using Google Earth with ka72" started by Dylan72