Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Five meter alpha

Created by waricle > 9 months ago, 7 Nov 2017
WA, 732 posts
7 Nov 2017 3:05PM
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A five meter alpha has started to appear on my gw60 upload on KA72 .
As Julius Sumner Miller would ask-
"why is it so? "

WA, 12429 posts
7 Nov 2017 4:31PM
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5m total length or 5m separation? Neither sound very plausible, are you sure 50's zero hasn't just got cut off?

WA, 732 posts
7 Nov 2017 6:15PM
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QLD, 653 posts
7 Nov 2017 8:43PM
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Hi Waricle,

Shannon Blume asked for the division to be added to the Moreton Bay group. Members of that group will see the division appear in their tracks when posted via ka72. If you leave the group it won't be calculated any more.

It's not an entirely new division. It has been used for a number of years in the WindWanderers online GPS competition as one of the challenge divisions. In case you were wondering what it was, it is the same maximum length as a normal Alpha, but the distance allowed between the endpoints is a maximum of 5m instead of the 50m allowed for a regular Alpha. This means that the 5m Alpha is usually recorded around where your track on the way out crosses the track on the way in, making for more even lengths to the tails of the gybe.

It has some other interesting characteristics. I might add some pictures below for examples.



QLD, 653 posts
7 Nov 2017 8:54PM
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Classic 5m Alpha

Regular Alpha (top) next to 5m Alpha recorded from a single session.

WA, 732 posts
7 Nov 2017 7:30PM
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Thanks Dylan


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Five meter alpha" started by waricle