Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Fourier program by Tom Chalko

Created by lao shi > 9 months ago, 15 Jul 2010
lao shi
SA, 1313 posts
15 Jul 2010 8:53PM
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Just updated the firmware on my GT31 to
The new GT32 unit has Tom writing some software I am trying to understand the outcome of. I understand that the Fourier program is designed for using two 31s or a 32.
Displays the data in a nice table and gives an easy view of each run. Also has a google earth button to take you to the run in google earth with coloured sections to show the speed.

When I run my latest file through it (using a single 31) I get a slightly higher speed than realspeed 40.029 vs 39.85.
Is the program only more acccurate when using two units or is it designed to test the quality of the data?

WA, 12390 posts
15 Jul 2010 7:48PM
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Only a guess Lao, but maybe the difference is the way, the 3 readings are averaged in the 2 programs.

VIC, 6149 posts
15 Jul 2010 11:56PM
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Tom's program calculates the average speed in a different way (Fourier v's Cubic Spline) and uses a more optimistic speed correction factor. It is not the method that is used by the WGPSSRC for records at this stage. We decided to use a more conservative correction for maximum confidence.

lao shi
SA, 1313 posts
15 Jul 2010 11:32PM
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Thanks Sailquik.
I do like the GE feature though. Saves a kml file of the run you are looking at. Found it very useful for comparing best runs at a spot.

VIC, 6149 posts
16 Jul 2010 12:06AM
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It is easy to save your file as a .gpx and open it in GE in RealSpeed as well. Just a couple more clicks.

GPS-Results has a one click 'display in GE' which works great:

Here is my 'GPS-Speedskiing' from Mt Hotham last week (There was some snow - really)

mr love
VIC, 2375 posts
16 Jul 2010 8:01AM
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Looks like you were restricted to the man made stuff Andrew?

VIC, 6149 posts
17 Jul 2010 2:30PM
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mr love said...

Looks like you were restricted to the man made stuff Andrew?

Yep.That's pretty much all there was that weekend.
Better today but runs still limited.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Fourier program by Tom Chalko" started by lao shi