Carrying on from another thread I am wondering what direction people think WS speedsailing kit (board & fins) will take in the future.
My take:
From everything I have read here and elsewhere seems to indicate that speed WS is very close to being maximum speed constrained. I think the weird machines will takeover again for a while, maybe including that magical machine L'Hydroptere – would kill for a fast ride on her . But I also believe we will see future world speed records (maybe in 5-10 yrs) well in excess of current limitations, from some form of foiling windsufer.
But the current crop of horizontal foils on WS and dinghies cannot change the area of the foil in flight (wetted surface area) - they only change the attack angle and sometimes the chord curvature, which I think constrains foiling top speed. The new big tris and speed machines like wot ?? etc have angled and curved foils so that the faster they go the generated lift raises them higher and with less foil in the water (or required to be) there is far less drag and top speed is not as constrained.
Perhaps the future WS speed boards will be something like a tri-fin, with forward curved foils/fins and a tail fin much like used today, though with less chord and width, all maybe 6-8" long. The question will be initially getting the thing up on the foils.
What is everyone’s views?
Or have I got too much time on my hands tonight and thinking up too much bullsh#t.
Yep , I think you got it right with your last comment.
Foils are not of any value for WS. Chris can "fly" his board on the fin. Anything more in the water just slows you down.
I see WS hitting a 100Ks in similar form but kites should be able to top that.
You mean something like this?
I've met this guy - he is from brissy, and makes some very big claims about how his fin system is low drag and improves fuel efficiency in boats etc etc. He even stated to me, without qualification that it would make a windsurfer faster - however, he knows nothing of the balance of forces with sail and fin etc - but if you matched his design with an appropriate rig - who knows?
Speed stilts and super wide booms 30 cm higher up the mast. <he he> Or, taking it a step further, forget the stilts. Instead an outrigger under the scurvy crew and top secret sail handles. The crew lies prone on his back as in luging n everything faired n stream formed n aerodynamic so you get usable lift from everything the wind hits. Water handling nanobots grab molecules of water at the front of the board n run like crazy to the back and let go n then back to the front again.
hmmm .... yes I can see it. It looks like a computer game.
To be honest it looks a lot like those universal chopper / chip / slicer things you get on the telly. I met this guy through a mate who did all of his graphics and T-shirts etc. But he claims that it works - especially for boats, ski's and surfboards. From the proto's that i have seen on a surf board, I would say that each skeg is about 5-8cm long, and they are placed in a flying V formation with the apex towards the front. I have only seen nasty sharp perspex / plastic ones they use for surfing.
But i wonder.
BTW you would need to completely re-model the last foot of your board to fit such a device - any takers?
About 10 years ago in the Gorge USA I hired a board with a similar fin configuration to the Shredder. It seemed to go alright. I think it had five little fins in a V formation. It was an unusually shaped board for the time, very short, quite thick and not too wide.
Yeah I think it was a Bonza or something like that. Not a bad board and very different to Bomboras I was used to.