New navigation system works even when GPS fails (
Cosmic navigation: Researchers at the University of Tokyo have now developed a new type of navigation system in which receivers detect muons - subatomic particles created by collisions between cosmic rays and particles in Earth's atmosphere - rather than satellite signals. "Cosmic-ray muons fall equally across the Earth and always travel at the same speed regardless of what matter they traverse, penetrating even kilometers of rock," said researcher Hiroyuki Tanaka.
Great discovery !. Although, the article mentioned GPS's vulnerability of being s****ed - sort of implying this new system can't. If so, then I disagree with that implication.
Just imagine the arguments about gps vs muon and device accuracy for who has the new best PB/alpha by .001 kts.
Interesting future tech.
I can imagine Muon augmented GPS location possibly being a thing at some distant future time.
But we dont use Locational data for our most accurate consumer device speed calculations now, and they are not claiming very accurate locational fixes just yet, or predicting it for quite some time yet, so I can't see this taking over from Doppler GPS speed for quite a while.