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GPSTC Provisional Results Division 2

Created by Dylan72 > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2011
QLD, 645 posts
31 Jan 2011 12:58AM
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Division 2 was also tough on the northern hemisphere teams, though the Portland Pirates are shining through, showing the determination they are famous for already.

No major upsets, though the eighth seeded Board Crazy Boys look strong in fourth place.

Only the Croatian teams failed to post, though as some teams seem to have changed names slightly, I'm not certain of that (and would appreciate a note if this is the case.)

(Seeding)Team Name - Position for January
(1)Portland Pirates - 1
(2)Pinaroos - 2
(3)One Eyed Cantabrians - 3
(8)Board Crazy Boys - 4
(6)Perth Southsiders - 5
(10)Sunshine Coast Sailboards Vikings - 6
(4)Team Horst - 7
(5)Tjeukemeer Speedsurfing Team - 8
(7)Cro Preluka Speedhunterz - 9
(12)The Southerly Busters - 10
(9)Cro Boreas Speedhunterz - =12
(11)Cro Aeolus Speedhunterz - =12

QLD, 645 posts
31 Jan 2011 10:14AM
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Revised Results, the Cro Boreas Speedhunterz had changed team name to the Cro Dalmatia Speed Junkies, which slightly changes the rankings in this division:
(Seeding)Team Name - Position for January
(1)Portland Pirates - 1
(2)Pinaroos - 2
(3)One Eyed Cantabrians - 3
(8)Board Crazy Boys - 4
(6)Perth Southsiders - 5
(10)Sunshine Coast Sailboards Vikings - 6
(4)Team Horst - 7
(9)Cro Dalmatia Speed Junkies - 8
(5)Tjeukemeer Speedsurfing Team - 9
(7)Cro Preluka Speedhunterz - 10
(12)The Southerly Busters - 11
(11)Cro Aeolus Speedhunterz - 12

QLD, 364 posts
31 Jan 2011 7:17PM
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woohoo 6th


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GPSTC Provisional Results Division 2" started by Dylan72