Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GT-31 Low Power Mode?

Created by PJCiesa > 9 months ago, 8 Oct 2011
SA, 72 posts
8 Oct 2011 10:53AM
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Does "Low Power Mode" affect in any way tracking and recording to SD cards?
Any info appreciated.

Later PJ

SA, 72 posts
12 Oct 2011 1:41PM
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Anyone any info?


SA, 565 posts
12 Oct 2011 4:20PM
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PJ - This from a google search:

There exist two versions of the GT-31, hardware V1.0 and V1.1. The V1.1 hardware uses a ultra-low power version of the Sirfstar III chipset and lasts for even 40 instead of 30 hrs on a single charge. Units with serial number from 832001650 are V1.1. Those before are V1.0. There is way other than the serial number to distinquish.
Note that the firmware version may be 1.1 while the hardware is 1.0, which probably confused my vendor, as he told me that mine was V1.1, which it wasn't.

The unit has a low power mode which lasts even longer, up to 40-60 hrs. Locosys doesn't recommend using this unless lower position accuracy is acceptable. I haven't tested this low power mode yet.

so the last paragraph states that you may lose out on position accuracy on low power mode. that suggests to me that it's no good for sailing, but i'll happily defer to anyone out there who's expertise goes beyond google...

Trousers (of fury)

SA, 72 posts
16 Oct 2011 12:34PM
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Thanks for that. Looks like I'll steer clear of low power mode for distance sailing.

304 posts
17 Oct 2011 5:19AM
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in my experience when I first started using them I used the low power mode and regularly got spikes. Now I dont use that mode I dont get as many spikes. This may be a coincidence though, but it was a pattern I noticed. I have not done any experimentation on it as life is too short

As for power consumption I get far more than 30hours on a full charge. I end up leaving it with the light on overnight to discharge when I feel that the charge is low....sometimes it takes over a day to discharge. This is after at least 10 sessions that are at least 2 hours long. I think their batteries are brilliant!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GT-31 Low Power Mode?" started by PJCiesa