Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GT31 Settings

Created by GeoffS > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2014
NSW, 49 posts
25 Jan 2014 9:54PM
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I have an issue with my GT31 that I cant seem to resolve.
After a days sailing like today Speed genie (I think it is speed genie) reads 22.02 max speed on the display.
Come home send the file to KA72 it tells me max speed 26.33.
I have tried for weeks to figure it out, checking settings etc but the answer eludes me.
Firmware is 1.4 Speed Genie is set at 20 knots in settings.
Interval is set to 1 sec in data logger.
Anyone have any clue as to what is going on?

VIC, 97 posts
25 Jan 2014 11:03PM
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I think, every time you reach your nominated speed i.e 20knots it overwrites the last speed. Look at it after every run for the best insights.

VIC, 6149 posts
26 Jan 2014 12:40AM
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One reading in Knots, the other in MPH??

NSW, 49 posts
26 Jan 2014 11:11PM
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GT31 is definitely set to knots and speed genie says knots.
Seaskip you may have hit on something. As we I am sailing for an hour at a time it may be that the speed I see is the last speed clocked over 20 knots on my way to shore.
Anyone know if this is the case, as it would certainly explain the difference I see.

QLD, 2995 posts
26 Jan 2014 10:17PM
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I too would like to know how to set the gt31 to show the highest speed achieved in big numbers, and not just show the speed of the last run.

NSW, 8071 posts
27 Jan 2014 5:13AM
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Sorry to come in on your thread Geoff.Hope it gets sorted.
Hmm I just set the speed alarm to 31kts ( 1st time I've had a go at setting things). Since then all I i get when I stop is my stationary speed..0.07-0.05 etc..So I can't see how I'm going after my runs.. It still records so I can upload but you don't know how your going on the day.. Could setting the alarm have stuffed things up? After each run I can't see what speed I've done.

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Jan 2014 8:55AM
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My GT-31 too has the same issue/feature. People often ask me how fast I went when coming in for a break from windsurfing. The answer always is "I'm not sure". If I come in for a break the Speed Genie might for example give 28.31 as the fastest speed over 10 seconds. After 15 minutes it reads something like 20 knots.

A friend said go to the Mount Best site and check the settings. They are all correct except for one section.

The most convenient functions of MISC are SAVE TO CARD and DELETE.
SAVE TO CARD - saves all GT31 memory items to SD card files. SD card must be present.
DELETE - clears all GT31 memory and Data Logger that have been saved using SAVE TO CARD

Using MISC items User can choose screens for Speed Genie result display.
Following screens can be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF)
1. MAX/NS MAX - screen showing MAX run speed and best N-second average
2. HISTORY MAX - screen thak compares current run with history best run
3. MAX SPEED - MAX speed of the run in LARGE font
When more than one screen is enabled (ON) they will appear in a "rolling" sequence.
When you have only 1 second to look at all Speed Genie results, enable only screen 1.

NEW FONT - enables highly readable Large font. Set it ON to enjoy clearer speed display

My GT-31 does not have any of these options under the MISC menu. Is this the key to the issue? If so do I need to download new firmware to get these menu options.

Other than this I think my GT-31 is working very well.

VIC, 97 posts
27 Jan 2014 10:13AM
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Definitely do the update.

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Jan 2014 12:01PM
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SeaSkip said..

Definitely do the update.

Tried doing it but my Windows 7 computer doesn't recognise the GPS even after installing the USB to serial driver. I'm not too worried about it as the GT-31 is running fine otherwise.

VIC, 97 posts
27 Jan 2014 12:26PM
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It makes it so much easier to clear the trip meter completely. One step and everything's clear!

WA, 12390 posts
27 Jan 2014 7:14PM
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If you've set and use speed genie correctly, it should give you, fastest run since "cleared", mine is set to give max speed and 10sec average, then it should scroll to the last run that tripped the speed genie, and also give Max speed and 10s. If you haven't tripped the speed genie setting, ie gone faster than the number that's in there, it will only read the fastest speed since reset.
I know of no way it will only read the last run, unless you have "history max" turned off somehow.

I don't have a gps that still has the out of the factory firmware. I'm sure that doesn't have all the history max options, but speed genie should still work properly

WA, 12390 posts
29 Jan 2014 9:25PM
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HHHMMMMM, may have made a booboo above, I have vague memories now, of out of the box soft ware, and I'm fairly sure speed genie doesn't have "history max", with the original software version. I have a feeling you only see the last run that exceeded speed genie trip speed.
That would explain the problem, and yes if you can install the Mt Best version, that will fix it.

NSW, 49 posts
30 Jan 2014 10:17PM
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Decrepit, I have looked at the Mt Best site and I was sure I got the V1.4 firmware from there, but after looking at the process I dont remember doing any of that so I could be mistaken.
Under settings my version is "1.4(B0315C)". Under Misc there are only 3 options Calendar, Screen Flip and Reserved. Nothing about Speed Genie.
So do I have the latest firmware or is there one at Mt Best that is later and has the Speed Genie options?

WA, 12390 posts
31 Jan 2014 6:52PM
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I have an old unit, my version is v1.3(B1123T), but I have all the speed genie stuff.
So I don't think it matter how old the version is, it's where it came from. Tom Chalko at Mt Best has made the mods to the speed genie firmware, so updating to the latest Locosys stuff won't give it to you. It has to be from Mt Best.

VIC, 6149 posts
31 Jan 2014 11:23PM
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Quite correct. Almost all the 'Genie' version of firmware end in a 'T' (for test version). If they don't end in a T, they are not the Genie versions (except for a couple of very early versions).

NSW, 49 posts
31 Jan 2014 11:30PM
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Thanks guys. I will get the Mt Best firmware and install it then report back for those who have similar issues, but not till after the weekend.
Need to keep HMV happy first, wedding anniversary!

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
2 Feb 2014 10:18AM
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Hi, I have a new GT31 v1.4 and I am assuming I need to run the updater. My computer is not recognising the GPS so I guess that it requires a driver which I can't seem to download from either Mt Best or Locosys, any ideas please.

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
2 Feb 2014 12:01PM
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Mistral Nick said..

Hi, I have a new GT31 v1.4 and I am assuming I need to run the updater. My computer is not recognising the GPS so I guess that it requires a driver which I can't seem to download from either Mt Best or Locosys, any ideas please.

I accessed Locosys via "Firefox" however when I accessed by IE I was able to download, still not recognising GPS though.

WA, 12390 posts
2 Feb 2014 6:58PM
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Are you using windows 7 or later? It seems some people are having trouble with that.
From memory, ou also have to try every port, the usb you're plugged into isn't automatically selected.

QLD, 105 posts
20 Feb 2014 5:10AM
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Have just upgraded firmware to Mt Best version.
When I switch unit on it briefly displays"New Trip"yes,no.
I assume yes as its s new session.
Does it really matter.?
The Misc menu also has "Trip Auto Save" on,off.
Are they related and over ride each other.?
Also on the GPS home website tech forum,they say my original firmware version 1/4 B3015c is a corrupt version.
They tested the T and C version and found the C version read 2 km slower.
Update if you have that version.
Whilst writing this my gt31 has frozen,great!!!
Next problem?

QLD, 2060 posts
20 Feb 2014 12:41PM
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monaro said..

Have just upgraded firmware to Mt Best version.
When I switch unit on it briefly displays"New Trip"yes,no.
I assume yes as its s new session.
Does it really matter.?
The Misc menu also has "Trip Auto Save" on,off.
Are they related and over ride each other.?
Also on the GPS home website tech forum,they say my original firmware version 1/4 B3015c is a corrupt version.
They tested the T and C version and found the C version read 2 km slower.
Update if you have that version.
Whilst writing this my gt31 has frozen,great!!!
Next problem?

It might say "Travel Long" -> this is for when you have either a) moved more than say 500km since using it last, or b) haven't used it in over 3-4 months. If so, you probably want to say yes...(then dont move it for about 45mins) otherwise say no. ... so "it does matter"... "Trip auto save" is something else.

If you haven't done the "travel long" thing, and have moved, we have been able to determine that if the Genie is enabled and the GPS has an almanac-update, then it is possible for the device to freeze. There are some other situations where is may freeze, but we haven't been able to identify why... I suspect it could be Genie related to timezone or other aspects.

If it has frozen, you can either a) leave it to run the batteries down, b) unscrew the case and disconnect/reconnect the battery... they both have pro's and con's... I'd unscrew.

Do you have a link to "2km slower" thread?

NSW, 49 posts
20 Feb 2014 10:27PM
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I have at last tried the installation of the Mt Best firmware. As my GT31 already had the 1.4 firmware it was simply a matter of following the instructions and I only needed to install the second file to have a whole bunch of new items in the MISC menu. Tomorrow we will see how it performs.
Only issues I had that might make some scratch their head, my GT31 didnt come with the CD, however the USB to Serial driver is available for download from the Locosys website. To make sure which COM port you are connected to go to Device Manager then click on COM ports and the USB to Serial driver should be there if installed properly with the com port it is using next to it.
Just change the updater to this port and follow the rest of the instructions. Worked like a dream.
I too would like the link to the "2km slower thread", my PB could use it.
Now just need to figure out what all of the new settings do.

QLD, 105 posts
21 Feb 2014 8:00AM
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Page 2 but lots on gt 31 on most pages.
Sorry but having trouble trying to list the link.
Fixed my freeze by disconnecting battery.
Was easy and took all of 5mins.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GT31 Settings" started by GeoffS