I'm running winblows 8.1 and struggling to get a connection using Navilink. I have to use Navilink as the GT31 no longer reads the SD card. I have the latest prolific drivers (v
I get the following issue:
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
A device which does not exist was specified.
Just wondering if there may be a setting that I can tweak?
BPS 9600
Data bits 8
Parity nonstop bits 1
Flow control none
Thanks for any help.
So I found out that Prolific does not support some chips in Windows 8/8.1
Successful work around found at answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-hardware/windows-8-does-not-support-prolific-usb-to-serial/a962c5fa-1c23-467e-b65e-4334f8137645?rtAction=1388668879360