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GT31 USB drivers and Windows 8.1

Created by paddymac > 9 months ago, 30 Dec 2013
WA, 937 posts
30 Dec 2013 9:54PM
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I'm running winblows 8.1 and struggling to get a connection using Navilink. I have to use Navilink as the GT31 no longer reads the SD card. I have the latest prolific drivers (v

I get the following issue:

This device cannot start. (Code 10)
A device which does not exist was specified.

Just wondering if there may be a setting that I can tweak?
BPS 9600
Data bits 8
Parity nonstop bits 1
Flow control none

Thanks for any help.

WA, 937 posts
2 Jan 2014 10:26PM
Thumbs Up

So I found out that Prolific does not support some chips in Windows 8/8.1

Successful work around found at

As strange as it may look, you need an outdated driver to make it work. The only working version i've found is, which you can find on the links bellow:

You need to force this driver version by going to device manager, choose update driver from right click into prolific adapter, the choose "browse my computer for driver software", then "let me pick...". On the next window, it should show you different versions of the driver, and you need to choose ver ok?


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GT31 USB drivers and Windows 8.1" started by paddymac