Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GT31 setup

Created by NotWal > 9 months ago, 31 Mar 2014
QLD, 7428 posts
31 Mar 2014 5:24PM
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I just acquired a new GT31 and it has V1.4B0315C installed.
I've browsed Tom Chalko's notes.

I notice the big font is not there and the "misc" menu is missing a few things like save to card and delete all.

I particularly want the big clear font. Do I have to upload new firmware to get it? I'd just prefer to minimise the ginning around but if that's what I have to do ...

WA, 12390 posts
31 Mar 2014 7:04PM
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Daffy has copies of earlier firmware, that don't need the "hidden" button to be activated.

There is a move afoot to store the copies on the GTC site, but I don't think it's happened yet.

VIC, 6149 posts
1 Apr 2014 9:18PM
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NotWal said..

I just acquired a new GT31 and it has V1.4B0315C installed.
I've browsed Tom Chalko's notes.

I notice the big font is not there and the "misc" menu is missing a few things like save to card and delete all.

I particularly want the big clear font. Do I have to upload new firmware to get it? I'd just prefer to minimise the ginning around but if that's what I have to do ...

Download and install the firmware from Tom Chalkos website.( V1.4 ) Since you have V1.4 loaded I think you will have to use the newer update procedure as outline by Tom on his website. This is the one you need: GT31 V1.4: GT31_FW_V1.4B0803T.ZIP It has all the updates for GPS speed sailing.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GT31 setup" started by NotWal