Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GW 52 trouble opening utility

Created by jayshep > 9 months ago, 10 Jul 2016
WA, 8 posts
10 Jul 2016 7:19PM
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Hi Guys, having trouble opening the GW52 utility. every time i try to connect i get a pop up saying either` open COM port error`or `com port error`.what do i need to do to get things moving forward. im sure this has happend to a lot of other people .

QLD, 3227 posts
10 Jul 2016 9:48PM
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Disconnect and reconnect the cable to the unit and try to reconnect. Sometimes minute corrosion in the mini USB port plays havoc with the connection. A mate once used WD40 to clean up the connection. Sometimes the mini USB port is recessed slightly to far into the GW52 case and it's hard to make the connection. Just keep on disconnecting and reconnecting until it works. It should eventually work.

VIC, 6149 posts
10 Jul 2016 10:05PM
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John has nailed what is most likely the issue.

I would add that my computer beeps when the GPS is plugged in and connects. It's a handy indication that the connection is made.

WA, 2406 posts
10 Jul 2016 11:16PM
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I sometimes encounter this problem, and unplugging and re-plugging the cable usually fixes it. I think it's a software/driver issue, since I can see the device listed correctly on the USB menu, which requires some communication. I also sometimes have to try a couple of times before the data download works. But I'm using an old version of VMWare Fusion running Windows XP on my Mac, so it's more surprising that this works at all.

WA, 8 posts
11 Jul 2016 4:34AM
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Thanks for your comments , ive tried countless times disconnecting and reconnecting. Delving deeper into the computer it's telling me that it can't find the driver which has been installed.
I am currently running windows 8.1 but I'm sure this version works with the software. Also in the utility window at the bottom it comes up as saying is GW link switched on at gps device

WA, 182 posts
11 Jul 2016 8:47AM
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Jayshep I recently bought a GW52

Some of the things I had to do were try various USB ports before I got one to connect. I also found that not all usb cables connect well to the GW52, I could hear multiple boings happening on some cables.

If all else fails you could alway uninstall via the Control Panel & try downloading again from the Locosys site.

WA, 12370 posts
11 Jul 2016 10:20AM
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jayshep said..
Thanks for your comments , ive tried countless times disconnecting and reconnecting. Delving deeper into the computer it's telling me that it can't find the driver which has been installed.
I am currently running windows 8.1 but I'm sure this version works with the software. Also in the utility window at the bottom it comes up as saying is GW link switched on at gps device

I guess you've tried changing "com ports" in the past (with the GT11) I've found the default port isn't the right one, I've had to try each one in the list until something worked.

Has your unit been near any moisture???? condensation in the bag etc.
Mine started being hard to connect after some condensation appeared in the bag, after a week or so it wouldn't connect at all.

If it's still under warranty send it back to locosys! (not only so they can fix/replace it for you, they need to see these problems to know what's happening in field)

The driver thing with windows is a furphy. I think it's because of the bad connection, it knows something is there but can't figure out what. I plugged in a good unit with no trouble, then tried mine, and windows came up with the no driver thing, and also got the GW link mode error message from the utility.
CRC initially helped a bit but wasn't a cure.
I tried changing the micro usb socket, but I suspect I caused even more problems. I couldn't find a hand solderable socket, the pins were much too close together for these shaky old hands, and I hadn't twigged that it was easy to unplug the cable from the mother board, so I suspect I shorted something out.

NSW, 393 posts
11 Jul 2016 5:07PM
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Be aware if you send it back to Locosys it will cost a bit of money and take a lot of time before you get it back, provided they can find and fix the problem. No guarantees.

After asking them about a screen problem with my GT 31 and getting the reply I decided to put up with it rather than be without the unit for who knows how long. Luckily it still records sessions, it's just that half the screen display has gone.

VIC, 6149 posts
11 Jul 2016 10:21PM
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boardsurfr said..
I sometimes encounter this problem, and unplugging and re-plugging the cable usually fixes it. I think it's a software/driver issue, since I can see the device listed correctly on the USB menu, which requires some communication. I also sometimes have to try a couple of times before the data download works. But I'm using an old version of VMWare Fusion running Windows XP on my Mac, so it's more surprising that this works at all.

I have the same setup (MacbookPro, VMware, XP) and the same issue with it sometimes timing out on the download. I think just moving the mouse a bit helps to stop it from timing out. No idea why.

Interestingly, I don't have that issue at all with the old IBM Laptop running XP. Works perfectly every time! I usually can't be bothered dragging it out and waiting aged for it to boot up though, so I just put up with the sometimes inconsistent Mac setup.

WA, 8 posts
12 Jul 2016 11:54AM
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Thanks for all your comments, still no luck but I'm in the process of changing ports hopefully this will work . didn't think it would be this hard.??

QLD, 217 posts
12 Jul 2016 7:25PM
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The usb cable supplied with the gw52 is garbage.
Use a samsung galaxy phone cable with unit works every time once you work out the right port

NSW, 1399 posts
21 Jul 2016 6:39PM
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Agree with Trimmer, I had trouble until I changed USB cords too!

2 posts
6 Mar 2017 4:40AM
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New to all this tech and it's really annoying me!!....Garmin was excellent logging everything wireless as well!!...

So i finally get the utility loaded and i think the the drivers too. The utility however shows no com ports at all....why is this? what is this?....any help please!!!

QLD, 3227 posts
6 Mar 2017 10:14AM
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SawyerUK said..
New to all this tech and it's really annoying me!!....Garmin was excellent logging everything wireless as well!!...

So i finally get the utility loaded and i think the the drivers too. The utility however shows no com ports at all....why is this? what is this?....any help please!!!

I had the same problem, but solved it by:
1. Buying a good quality USB cable
2. Used a little bit of WD40 in the GW 52 USB port
3. Tried all the Port numbers until I find the right one

Once you find a cable and USB port that works, use the same one every time you use the utility

2 posts
6 Mar 2017 8:51PM
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sorted...change of lead!....cheers..


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GW 52 trouble opening utility" started by jayshep