Andrew, I think the point here, is not what GPSResults did, but what the GW52 display did.
It's a bit hard to read the gpsresults pages, but the first looks like max speed 27.467 filtered.
I can't see the difference between 2nd and third, but they look like 2 sec max 25.589 filtered.
And the 2s display on the unit is less than all of them. Ahh yes, I think I see, it's possible the 25kt 2 sec hadn't made it into the max records, if it's still on the main display? So that makes the #2 gpsresults @ 23.415? very similar.
So Andrew, what's happening here?
Would it be possible to connect it to a computer in order to display speed in real time. (Im looking to use the gw52 as a speedo for some machinery and need a large display). If not, would you be able to direct me to a gps that has this connective capacity as well as similar accuracy (eg doppler correction)
could you use a smart phone and the GPSlogit app? Although smart phones suffer from a small gps antenna and aren't super accurate unless they have am uninterrupted sky view. The BGT31 had this ability it's now superseded, but you may find one lying around somewhere.
The smart phone option has too much error. Im looking for something accurate down to 0.2 or 0.1 kmh hence why I need doppler assist. The gt 31 can be linked to a device to display a real time speedometer, you say? How do you accomplish that?
SimonNZ and Decrepit. I have used both GT-11 and GT-31 for real-time tracking in the field with software called "Global Mapper" - via a USB cable connection to my laptop. Once you have the correct settings in the mapping software and on the GPS, it works quite reliably. I did a quick check of one of my saved files and can confirm that data is transmitted via the USB at 1 second increments, and includes speed (not sure if doppler). Given that the speed data is transmitted via USB, I would expect that one could configure an odometer display with the right software. I can't comment on the GW52, as I don't have one - sorry. Feel free to PM me if you would like more details.
Cheers, Sandy
gw52 is far too big for any classic action camera case. This is going to be hard to find
even the tiny canmore barely fits in those
okay send a link where we can buy one , might put it on the boom so i can see my speed while sailing along
Maybe the GW-52 would fit in this one?
the specs say it is 80mm x 70mm x 42mm.