Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

GW60 glass breaks

Created by mark62 > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2018
503 posts
23 Jan 2018 4:41AM
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Not broken mine, but have seen a few with cracked screens. So as a preventative measure I scanned eBay for tempered watch glass covers, and found one for just a few pounds. Smash proof, scratch proof etc!

hopefully it'll save the screen in a crash and save me a few quid or losing a PP session.

just thought I'd mention it!

WA, 2408 posts
23 Jan 2018 11:58AM
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A few quid .. like about the cost of a new watch, according to Locosys repair cost estimates. Seems like a "good" way to increase the size of a small market. They could have just recessed the glass a bit into the plastic, like Amazon did with the Kindles. I dropped my Kindle Paperwhite many times, and it never broke. My GW-60 screen broke the first time it dropped in a parking lot.

WA, 12375 posts
23 Jan 2018 1:22PM
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So how does it fit in place? And is the size right?

WA, 3242 posts
23 Jan 2018 3:05PM
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I had one of these spare from my Samsung Gear S3. I just stuck it on figuring it couldn't hurt.

503 posts
23 Jan 2018 6:40PM
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decrepit said..
So how does it fit in place? And is the size right?

It takes just a few minutes to fit. Screen needs cleaning with the cleaning kit (included), then you simply put the tempered glass in place. Its not self adhesive, and it can be removed with a razor blade and piece of paper. Here's a video showing how to ........

My son uses one on is iphone, apparently they really do work.

The GW60 screen is 38mm, but I used a 36mm screen protector. With a bit more scanning ebay, I'm sure I could have found a 38mm screen. I used this one:

WA, 12375 posts
23 Jan 2018 8:09PM
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Thanks Mark, I've ordered this from
$2.86 free postage, but it may not get here until March 1st. Just have to make sure I don't drop the watch before it arrives.

WA, 3242 posts
23 Jan 2018 9:01PM
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Its a little disconcerting that the tempered glass sits up higher than the bezel.

WA, 2408 posts
23 Jan 2018 11:23PM
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Getting a protector that covers the entire glass may be important. The screen on my watch broke when the edge of the screen hit the ground. That could still happen when the protector covers just the center of the screen.

503 posts
24 Jan 2018 3:20AM
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boardsurfr said..
Getting a protector that covers the entire glass may be important. The screen on my watch broke when the edge of the screen hit the ground. That could still happen when the protector covers just the center of the screen.

Defo, full coverage has to be best to avoid edges chipping. I've also ordered the 38mm version (thanks for the link deceprit, I could only find 36mm on eBay).


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"GW60 glass breaks" started by mark62