Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Garmin 920XT Windsurfing activity

Created by Nathan666 > 9 months ago, 22 Feb 2015
WA, 12370 posts
15 Jul 2016 10:59AM
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Sorry guys for being a bit obtuse.
By their times I meant the time that the run occurred. This means you can compare the same run for each device.
The way you have it the 5 best 10sec runs are ordered according to their speed, they really should ordered according to the time they happened.
Most of them should be the same, but when I was comparing peoples files I was very surprised by how different some of them are. In some cases not only is the order different, but there can be a few completely different runs in the the 2 files. One of the reasons I gave up analysing stuff I'm not really interested in, resorting the order is quite time consuming.
But without doing it, 2 sets of numbers that don't necessarily correspond, doesn't mean a whole lot.

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Jul 2016 6:17PM
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results look pretty close to me !!!

If you don't intend to break records the Fenix3 is a pretty good looking and clever option.

Mate of mine just got his and added a function that counts the gybes + the ones nailed !

WA, 230 posts
15 Jul 2016 4:44PM
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seanhogan said..
results look pretty close to me !!!

If you don't intend to break records the Fenix3 is a pretty good looking and clever option.

Mate of mine just got his and added a function that counts the gybes + the ones nailed !

Sean, could you please provide more details on this gybe counter? I would absolutely love this, as in every session, in my mind I made 90% of the gybes, but reality is not even half!

QLD, 3424 posts
15 Jul 2016 7:20PM
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here's what he sent me

you need to download and intall this data app :

NSW, 861 posts
17 Jul 2016 8:14PM
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seanhogan said..
here's what he sent me

you need to download and intall this data app :

Looks pretty cool.

Will be awesome when someone writes a data field that accurately calculates alpha speeds.

WA, 230 posts
18 Jul 2016 2:31PM
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N1GEL said..

seanhogan said..
here's what he sent me

you need to download and intall this data app :

Looks pretty cool.

Will be awesome when someone writes a data field that accurately calculates alpha speeds.

Thanks Sean. Yeah I tried it out and its fun seeing the number of gybes during the session. Unfortunately this info disappears (AFAIK) after the session and you stop the watch and hit save. I guess this is like a lot of datafields.

Nigel, I agree it would be great to have Alphas as well. But the real mystery is why isn't nm and 1Hour in the datafield by FIN151. Let's hope he does something about these as they should be easy.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Garmin 920XT Windsurfing activity" started by Nathan666