Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Gkobal Windsurfers Survey - Speed/slalom sailors please participate

Created by JaneS > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2023
WA, 39 posts
18 Sep 2023 11:13AM
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The world's first global windsurfers survey has been created and funded by IWT and we'd like every windsurfer in Australia (and the world) to participate. The more windsurfers that participate, the more this helps big and small clubs and associations get useable, research data on windsurfers that will help them grow their base, attract more sponsors and potentially run bigger/better events. So far we've got a bit of a wavesailing bias to the participants, so we'd love this to be shared amongst speed/slalom sailors.

It takes around 10 minutes, it's anonymous and the information can help us better support our local clubs, associations and events. A summary of global results will be shared via IWT and Australian specific results will be shared with State windsurfing associations. Individual results will not be published - just accumulated results.

Feel free to share the link with any friends, clubs or groups that you know - in all windsurfing disciplines and all experience levels. Thank you in advance for your help. Plenty of Australian people have helped to create, promote and do the language translations for this survey!

Do the survey here

NSW, 1399 posts
20 Sep 2023 8:29PM
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why no link here? QR codes are too modern for me


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Gkobal Windsurfers Survey - Speed/slalom sailors please participate" started by JaneS