Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Good Luck Mandurah Mobbers

Created by elmo > 9 months ago, 22 Sep 2010
WA, 8769 posts
22 Sep 2010 6:41AM
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The Exodus is beginning, soon the best of the crab crusher's will all be on their way to Sandy point for the speed comp.


Rumor has it that a fair chunk of assorted Perth speed riff raff are also making the journey this year.

Good luck Guys and Gals, Good winds Good times and hopefully you aren't to hung over to appreciate it.

Want to see some good stories coming out of the comp

Have fun

WA, 2331 posts
22 Sep 2010 7:12AM
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Does that mean the wind drought will follow them east and we might finally get some decent wind over here????

Rip up those Vics guys [}:)]

WA, 4103 posts
22 Sep 2010 7:41AM
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Thanx guyz its a long way to go and massive effor to get skunked, but hopefully you guyz get some wind here, howz fn Septmber not one fn storm front

NSW, 325 posts
22 Sep 2010 10:39AM
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grumplestiltskin said...

Does that mean the wind drought will follow them east

Earlier this year I took 4 boards and 5 sails across state lines, Huey recognised it all as new gear when I got to my destination and punished me for the entire stint I had in NSW, he was not so bad when I reintroduced the gear back to WA but my new 7m which was delivered to me over east went 4 months before it got unrolled for the first time.

p.s. I don't know why you are bothering, we all know Hardies run is the best speed strip in Aus and all the stories about crabs, rocks, coblers, rays and weed are just made up to stop things getting crowded

Good luck guys

WA, 8769 posts
22 Sep 2010 8:43PM
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Go the Manbra Mob


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Good Luck Mandurah Mobbers" started by elmo