Fangy and I went looking for penny's and grumpynuts's rocks, couldn't find Penny's (might have been the same disappearing rock I hit).
But we're glad we found Chris's straight away. Admittedly it was very low tide, but it was about a centimetre out of the water, in water about knee to thigh deep.
The post is about 2 metres west of the rock, that's as close as I could get the post in the ground, so don't go too close, and hopefully it won't claim any more boards!
Hey Decrep, that place mark looks too far west - I am only going on the impression I got that we walked out almost due south from the steps. Whadya reckon?
I had the same thought, it does look that way, I thought from the steps you look slightly east of south, so yes it does look too far west.
Does this look better? It's still slight west of south, but my sense of direction at the steps may be wrong.
I think I was reading the GE numbers wrong before.
Yep that looks better I will get an exact set of co ordinates in the next few days and check, but that certainly looks close.
Glad your marking it.. Is the board repairable or throwable? Lucky no one got hurt.
We have a similar obstacle in our sailing area and I was paranoid everytime I got into the area ( especially as it was choppy last sailing day.) I think there is a floating bottle marker on ours but a pole and marker would be better.
Knee to thigh deep. That's scary. We thought it was the shallow bits that were risky.
Anyway, thanks for marking it.
Glad your marking it.. Is the board repairable or throwable? >>>>
Well it's in my shaping bay at the moment, and Fin and I are having a go at it. I think it should come out OK, the inner core is a little bit compressed at the crease, but still in one piece. We just have to make sure it doesn't end up with too much tail rocker due to the compressed foam.
Yep that looks better I will get an exact set of co ordinates in the next few days and check, but that certainly looks close.
OK here's Salty's tracks in
Looks pretty close to me.
Fin was working on the board today,
Removing the divinycell and carbon from around the damaged area. Hes using a piece of plywood to take the pressure from levering the sandwich off the underling glass.
To the right you can see the channel he's cut into the sandwich with a router.
So, here's most of the left hand side sandwich removed, and the compression damage to the core evident.
After fin removed the sandwich to the right of the damage, we made a cut about 40mm into and right across the core foam. We then stuck a 3mm wedge of divinycell into the cut, this has restored the rocker line. The compression of the core had increased the tail rocker to 5mm, not sure what it was originally, but we've halved that.
Next stage is to bog up the core, level with the underling glass, then replace the sandwich.
After that we start on the bottom.