Scumbags strike again, 2 of the Worlds nicest guys (Elmo & Nebian) had their cars broken into while sailing Hardie's run.
These @#!%$%# have some very bad karma coming!!!!!!
Anybody down there got a Faaargly dog that the boys can hire?
Wasn't that dreaded red commodore with a couple of "sit down pay" undesirables in it that's been plaguing Woodies was it?
S%^&, two weeks ago when I was at HR i waited around til you got back in Min's before I left because I saw a red commodore cruise through the car park for no apparent reason. Sorry guys, I wish I had got the licence number - will do so next time I see it. F%^% it would be good to catch these b'stards red-handed.
I have a pair of Malamutes for rent, Akita's would be better [}:)].
Malamutes will take the arm off in one go, Akita's will do it slowly so it hurts more.
Sorry to hear about the cars, hope you get the cretins.
Just as a post note for those who luuuurrvv to hear the exploits of Elmo
After getting the Schidtz kicked out of me at the L-L and feeling very sad an sorry for myself. I'm sitting down watching telly with my beloved and what sound do I hear.
MY Farken Car window being smashed
I bolt outside and scare the Furkwitts of, same Furken window!!!
All they've stolen is my bloody Nuerafin, once again left the change and all the rest of the crap of value.
Thank Fark I hadn't gotten around to getting the damn window re-tinted.
Another Wasted day replacing a window, at least it's not a Saturday before Christmas!
I don't give a rats hairy freckle how much my furken shoulder hurts tomorow!!! I'm going to rigg the biggest meanest sail I can hang onto and try to lose some Furken aggression.
Appologies to Loz,
please moderate this till your hearts content, just had to spill my guts on this.
Elmo you boor bugger, you must have walked under a ladder or run over a black cat or something... It's at the back of my mind that if some f^&*er decides to hit my car again there won't be a window left in the whole of Perth, knowing how hard it was to get that one for me a couple of weeks ago. Lucky your car is reasonably new.
That's pretty bad though, being hit at home
Mate I feel for you, I have some spare Neurafin, our whole vets hockey team is sponsored by some drug company.
You need a FBD-Akita deters all comers.
I hope your 2008 improves.
Can Mack and I come done and play , I think he will win, sorry to hear about your car again . He likes to play chew the crim.[}:)][}:)]