Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

How the hell scoring higher??

Created by w100 > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2021
WA, 253 posts
24 Oct 2021 6:00PM
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How can i increase my GPS score in a choppy /patchy / gusty side or side off spot, when it starts blowing 25 kts+?
The spot is sheltered within a port (to better figure, similar to Viana in Portugal). The wind comes side or side off never constant. Usually, during a run, in addition to having to "organize" for "sending it" on the cursed chop, one must also "anticipate" the violent gusts to avoid being sent up in the air.I can deal with all of them till it's 7.0 sqm wind but can't make better in stronger wind.
Although over the years I have learned to "throw my heart over the obstacle" I would say that in the wind over 30 knots I still experience moments of terror mostly because of water state...
Probably, being used to slalom action, i also tend to use too big stuff and never rig for the gust...
Tricks I operate to get more control are: lower the boom height (if absolutely needed and according with the chop shape), enlarge the harness lines boom placement, use longer harness lines, use waist harness, reset a bit the deck plate, reset the sail outhaul, try to use "the right pressure" over the board/fin, stay steadily sheeted in without stalling the sail pulling too much the back arm, filling the sail as much as possible till my legs resist while sending it.
I'm also not understanding why (in this spot) I score similar numbers whatever size stuff i use! I have a problem... !!

WA, 12375 posts
24 Oct 2021 7:52PM
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quite often I go slower when the wind increases, but I'm useless in chop! I can only think of two things that may help.
Use weights, but try to keep neutral buoyancy. A big camel pack filled with water is my answer.
As you've said move the fin forward, to decrease the angle of attack, so the board tends to run over the top of the chop instead of slamming into it. and possibly use a bigger fin, if you can control it, also helps to get the board up on top of the chop. This is all trial and error stuff, may or may not work for you.

QLD, 164 posts
25 Oct 2021 5:32AM
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You don't make it sound like pleasant conditions, what sort of speeds are you getting?

NSW, 1726 posts
25 Oct 2021 6:45AM
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I would think that the spot is not the right spot for gps speed and you could have more fun with smaller gear when the wind is strong. For gps scores most people look for flat spots in strong winds, like shallow weedy areas.

WA, 12375 posts
25 Oct 2021 9:21AM
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powersloshin said..
I would think that the spot is not the right spot for gps speed and you could have more fun with smaller gear when the wind is strong. For gps scores most people look for flat spots in strong winds, like shallow weedy areas.

Or a speed bank

347 posts
25 Oct 2021 2:54PM
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For me, the absolute numbers are not so important. I always compare with others on the same spot / the same time. As you can see the gear that others use, and even the best 10s run, it can help you to analyze your weak spots. But the right spot at the right time is a key component. My personal skills are still limited to -30 knots wind, if it is higher, the fear takes over....

WA, 12375 posts
25 Oct 2021 3:50PM
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Yep, I'm a bit wary, when the gear gets ripped out of your hands and goes tumbling downwind.
But if the water's still flat, and you have a small enough rig, high wind isn't so much of an issue. It's the water state that inhibits me.

WA, 253 posts
25 Oct 2021 6:29PM
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yes, off course any off your advices have been considered.
Spot may be not super fast in absolute and the only way to know if you did good or not is comparing with other guys in same session. Usually I'm one of the fastest there. In strong wind sometime other guys coud be better by 1 kts . And, the gps strument is another funny thread between us... I use the classic GW60 but some of them uses garmin or suunto or whatever. I always ask them to go through the website but the disagree.... ahahah
Yes, we have a sort of lagoon but it's not close from here and it's usually plenty of kiters. Future plans is to go check what can be done there. We also have other good gps spots but wind is not always good.

As written above, MAYBE i use too big stuff to strongly send it. But it's very gusty and when i use tiny smaller stuff i miss some acceleration on the pit lane and in the ebd number are similar


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"How the hell scoring higher??" started by w100