Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Is this avoidable, how do I come back?

Created by Mux > 9 months ago, 11 Mar 2013
QLD, 226 posts
11 Mar 2013 11:19AM
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I 'm not sure if I have to much pressure on my back foot or I'm just a gumby the fin let and i could not get it back, what is the best way to get it back ? Can this be avoided. It's not fun sliding sideways even at my slow speed.

NSW, 130 posts
11 Mar 2013 3:35PM
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You were sailing with windward rail down !!! which means you need a bigger fin so you can get a lot more power out of the board. Board should ride on the fin a lot and leeward rail is more in the water.
When you spin out you can pull your back foot to windward and sheet out at the same time as you need to re-attach flow over the fin again.
Looks like it is just too small in the video.
Try using the rig raked back instead of so much foot pressure to steer the board.

NSW, 262 posts
13 Mar 2013 12:51AM
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It looked like you got the board in the air launching off the chop, landed with a lot of pressure on the back foot, staying sheeted in. This caused the fin to let go (only half of it was in the water just prior). Were you feeling overpowered? How do you find it when it's smoother water?

QLD, 226 posts
13 Mar 2013 9:51PM
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Thanks for the help will try it out next time out.

QLD, 675 posts
14 Mar 2013 10:11PM
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Mux said...

I 'm not sure if I have to much pressure on my back foot or I'm just a gumby the fin let and i could not get it back, what is the best way to get it back ? Can this be avoided. It's not fun sliding sideways even at my slow speed.

I do the same thing sometimes. Getting the fin out of the water facing slightly into the wind then landing and loading up the fin. I try to land facing more down wind so there isn't as much sideways pressure on the fin when loading it up after a jump (or chop hop). Try pushing the front foot more downwind when you feel the board coming out of the water.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Is this avoidable, how do I come back?" started by Mux