Three houses booked out... just thought I'd remind everyone who is not coming, that we wont be thinking of them.
Starts this weekend!
Good luck guys - I'll be not thinking of you all up here in sweltering Queensland.
Secretly I'd rather be freezing my tits off at SP.
PS - Luca and Ricky, put in a good show for us Qlders
Apparently I've paid for a room that sleeps two - happy to share and split the cost of it if someone's wanting to come but is short of a place to sleep.
To get in touch, send me a PM today with contact details (e.g. mobile # as won't have email access due to dodgy Optus wireless modem reception at SP).
Is there any news from Speedweek? It'd be good to know someone on the east coast is getting a blast.
They should be smokin' along in ghe next couple of days.
Just leave some wind for the rest of us in the second week.
Check wind guru.
A few of the guys had a cruise around yesterday in the Nor-Wester. Today was almost like a summers day with little wind and lots of sunshine. Not sure if there was any sailing as I was out of town. The next three days look pretty good!
Monday 27th: Sunny in the morning with a strong NW'ter. Some took advantage of the low tide to get some runs in the Yanakie channel. Dave Moorhead managed a 40 knots peak!
After the tide changed it was a wait for the WSW change. Unfortunately, when it arrived it had no go in it. 15-20 knots with occasional puffs to 25. The angle was good for a while and allowed some peaks in the 34-38 range but with the tide rushing in the whoopdedos were pretty severe and most of us were chased out by the rising tide by about 2pm. A few hardy (!) souls persisted and sailed right through the high. Kato was rewarded with some decent NM's and second best 5 x 10 and the highest milage. By the time the tide dropped with about an hour and a half of daylight left, the wind had also dropped, so that was it.
A pleasant evening at Speed Central dissecting the results and viewing some of Jodie's pictures of the day, and some from last year.
Tuesday 28th: Woke to the thunderous sound of a hailstorm and a furious squall on the tin roof . Not very inviting
Arrived at the inlet to find Dave standing in waist deep icewater waiting for a SW squall (that didn't come). Peter J and Cheryl were in the wetties and optimistic. The rest of us were huddled out of the rain making excuses. After a while it became clear that the squalls were brief and NW and there was almost dead calm in between so I retired to the fire hearth to type this update.
The forecast says it should be better around midday, so fingers crossed.
Cam of the SP beach (as opposed to the inlet) showing weather.
and current Wilson Prom wind
Crasher Mandurah Mob, new PB 40plus on slalom board, if that man ever gets it together watch out!!!!!!!
Long hard day yesterday - didn't stop shiverring until midnight. Today is looking great. been a bit lazy here charging the batteries before going into battle again. all the others are at the beach. wind should have a bit more south in it today - should be good scores coming in from all teams in the late afternoon as I imagine most will give it away when the tide comes in around 2:30pm.
Should see a few new PBs for the visitors today.