To celebrate the impending arrival of our 20,000th posted track, is running a 20,000th track competition!
At current rates of posting, the 20,000th track should be on the site in about two weeks.
Here are the conditions (also available at
KA72 20,000th Track Award
Win up to $100* for posting the 20,000th track to
1. The person who posts the 20,000th track to will, once authenticated, win a $10US voucher (or suitable equivalent in a country not permitted by Amazon.)
2. Authentication of the track will be at the discretion of the judges, but a separate email copy of the original track file will be required.
3. Communication regarding the authentication and other results will be made via the Seabreeze GPS and Speedsailing forum at
4. An additional $50US value will be applied to the voucher for a track with an end date within 24 hours of the upload date, bringing total voucher value to $60US. For tracks ending less than 48 hours from upload date, but more than 24 hours, an additional $20US value will be applied to the voucher, bringing total voucher value to $30US.
5. In addition to the total at item 4, if the track is a windsurfing track, and contains a PB in any of the six categories at the GPS Team Challenge ( for a sailor who has already registered and posted at least once to the Challenge, an additional value of $40US will be applied to the voucher.
6. Gaming the competition by flooding the system with bad tracks will not be tolerated. reserves the right to analyse submitted track data and nominate a track as the valid 20,000th track, provided such reasoning is supplied to the public.
7. We believe that the competition rules provide a reasonable balance and encourage honest participation. If you feel otherwise, or have any questions about this competition, please feel free to email the organiser at
8. In the event that the winner of the competition cannot be determined, the prize will go instead to the submitter of the previous track (the 19,999th track.) If that track cannot be validated, then the prize will go to the one before that, and so on.
*Possible prize amounts, $10, $30, $50, $70, $100 depending on criteria set out above.
Happy Sailing,
Great work Dylan,
I can't tell you what a difference KA72 has made to making it easy for people to join the speedsailing community.
I hope people appreciate the work you've put in -- ten thumbs up from me
Less than 600 tracks to go.
Can't wait for next Burrum event. I've always enjoyed that one. We were hoping to make it to Sandy Pt this year too, but holidays just can't fit in at the right time. Is it windy there in January?